Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I have been living at Sonshine Academy the past two weeks. Since the boys couldn't all be in the water at the same time for lessons, we are there for 2 and a half hours. Not too bad, until you factor in the potty training for Sam. He is doing great with some things, not so great with others. So, we spent most of our time in the bathroom today. Some stories so gross that I won't even mention.
The first two pics are of Cade and the last two of Eli. I would post a pic of Sam...but they make me get in the water with him and my camera isn't waterproof for some reason. Cade and Eli are doing great...holding their breath for exorbitant amounts of time and learning different strokes. (HMMM, sounds like an 80's sitcom to me!)
Sam is an entirely different story. He enjoys being different, it makes him who he is. He is so very independent that he about freaked the first (and second, and maybe third) days because I had to hold him the whole time. He didn't seem to understand that if I let go of him he would meet Jesus real-real quick. I wanted to let him go under just once so he could see what would happen, but I was afraid they would kick us out and maybe send me to some government funded parenting class. Sam would much rather play where he can touch a little bit and do his own thing instead of listen to and obey his instructor. So, it has been a good teaching time for him and a good exercise in patience for me. He did a little bit better the last time we went. Maybe it is because I spent a whole lot of time praying over the little dude.
This is random, but my theory on the whole world having lots of boys just got shot down. For the 2 1/2 hours that we are there, girls rule the roost at the pool! Cade is the only boy in his class. One family there has 4 girls...all with sweet Biblical names. It is fun to see all of the little girlie bikinis. (This will be fun until my boys reach their teens and I shall forevermore banish them to their rooms.)
On a different note...check out the "Audrey Caroline"and the "Desiring God" blogs today. Both will bless you spiritually.
Happy summer! :)


Kelli said...

You know a great place for kids to learn to swim. Clearwater Florida. Just sayin'...Great pics. And it's just no wonder Sam and Tia don't get along. They are clearly too much alike!

Little Oak Table said...

girl i dunno!


that is a link to john rosemond's approach to getting them to go #2 in the potty. it sounds crazy to me. but his other approaches also feel non-traditional and they work so who knows?!

how much longer are swim lessons?