Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Expensive Kleenex!

OK, so my sweet friend, Kim, just moved to Bryant last week from Harrison. I loaded up the boys in an attempt to go help her unpack and settle in. I think we managed to get the photo album box unpacked, but, hey, a box unpacked is a box unpacked! Kim's mother in law is coming to get her girls later on I am not feeling too bad that we didn't accomplish more. Kim will knock the rest out pretty fast once she is alone.

Well, on the way there, Eli's nose started randomly bleeding. He was sitting in the very back of the van. Since it is hard to be Mommy and Driver at the same time, I grabbed the only thing I could reach and threw it to the back as hard as I could. The boys started dying in laughter..."A Diaper????" Eli held up the outside part of the diaper to his nose...and I told him to open it up so it would absorb better. Cade got tickled at this and starting chanting, "Put it on, Put it on!" (Like--on--as in around his face.) We laughed so hard that I could barely drive.

The picture is a reenactment...I don't have the ability to drive and take pictures at the same time! (I am sure Eric is breathing a sigh of relief!)


The Uptons said...

hey, you do what ya gotta the reenactment idea...maybe he's got a future in acting?!

Jenny said...

That is soooo funny:)

the Fosters said...

Hey Becke! That is so funny! Just love those moments. I just loved your post on your ten years of marriage. What a great accomplishment! You have such a sweet and beautiful family!
Shannon Foster

Anonymous said...

I was wondering how you managed to drive and take a picture at the same time!!! Kim

7TimeChampion said...

At least you had a clean one for him...see, it could have been worse. Think of the reenactment of that one.

Little Oak Table said...

oh my gosh i'm so blonde!! i thought the picture was the live action version! that is dang funny though! you are a sweet unpacker friend. do you remember when me, you and mamaw unpacked our house and got the whole thing set up, pictures on walls and all in one day!? that rocked! we need to get kim to get a blog so everyone can see her cute girls!

blessedpath said...

I am just impressed that you had laughter going on while his nose was bleeding. I get so frazzled, esp when things happen while driving!! That is a friendly reminder to ME to enjoy even a bloody nose with the kids!:) Chase used to get random nose bleeds too, and he uses ocean spray every night before bed to keep his sinuses moist. It really works!