Thursday, April 9, 2009


As my previous post disclosed, my brother has had some atheists visit his blog recently. Atheists who are created in the very image of the God they deny. Usually, righteous anger wells up inside of me when I hear of their latest arguments; after all, my God is alive and well! But today, God showed me a piece of his heart...his heart towards each and every person that denies Him. I happened upon one person's blog...she used to believe in God and was raised with a good bit of Biblical knowledge. What happened to cause such a turn around? Did she lose a loved one in a tragic way? God is still faithful. Did she lose her source of income? God is still faithful.

Living in the Bible belt, and surrounded by Believers, I don't encounter people who deny the Living God. It seems so strange, really, to deny Something, and then spend the rest of your days talking about Him! They are obsessed with something that in their minds, doesn't even exist!

I copied some of what this lady posted because I think it is good for us to remember...Jesus came to set us free. There are those still in chains. Here is what she said:

"But, all of a sudden, I felt the immense need to cry out to God, or somebody, for help, urgently needing to get rid of the pain. Withholding the reason, I even informed a friend (who, by the way, is missing in action) that I needed to create an imaginary friend, so I could pray to something. He jokingly suggested Bruce Almighty. Yearning for the comfort of trusting God to deliver me, I remembered the Bible verses I used to cling to. “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know” Jeremiah 33:3."

"What I find that I do is that I just feel sorry there is no God to cry to. The idea that there may be one never crosses my mind. It is more like, "Darn, wouldn't it be nice if there really were a God I could trust to help me."

Am I the only one burdened by her thinking? Lose the chains, Jesus. You are the only one that can.


Nic said...

My heart hurts for these people. I am going to pray for this women. I may not know her but God Does!

Jenny said...

It is definitely frightening isn't it? I had an old student at Jacksonville who was SO incredibly smart and an atheist. We talked all the time about it... it was so hard for me to see someone be SO closed to God.

blessedpath said...

I have a woman I work with at the hospital, we've had a few good conversations (totally led by the Lord). She is SO convinced against God. I asked her to think for just a moment....WHAT if..I am right and there IS a God, and when you die you come face to face with Him....her response was, "well, then I guess i am going straight to hell" Yikes!! She is sooo strong in her views, yet I believe she must go home at night and in the quiet, rethink what we have talked about??? It is scarey to know there are sooo many lost people in our world, we live in our bubbles.....but when God allows us to see into that area of our world, it is mindblowing, huh. I would love to read some of those blogs...

Anonymous said...

Sadly, because she does not see it, I feel it was the very God she tries to proclaim she does not believe in who prompted her to WANT to cry out to God and it was the Holy Spitit who brought to rememberance the Bible verse of Jer. 33:3. It WAS God speaking to her...wooing her-trying to get her to CALL OUT to Him,to come back(as she states she "used"to cling to Bible verses)....He would have answered....But, how many chances will she get, before it is too late.