Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Competitive One

I never dreamed I would enjoy this sport this much.  I mean, I always knew I would be a Soccer Mom, but actually having fun while watching the sport has surprised me a little bit.  I am learning bit by bit, which makes it even more fun!  This year, Eli has had the opportunity to join a more competitive league with a coach that is the girls' soccer coach for a local college.

What he is learning is invaluable.  They haven't won a single game yet, but it is because they are playing kids 2-3 years older!  The good news is that the beat-down they receive every week is making them extremely good little players!

{unfortunately for my fiercely competitive son, the losses aren't always received as a good thing}

I think this might end up being Eli's primary sport...he is fast and good with his feet.  He is so athletic and has the instincts to play the game well.

What can I say, he gets it all from his Momma. {insert snort}

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