Monday, April 20, 2015

National History Day

Looks like our summer vacation it about to be booked!  We are heading to Washington, D.C., to cheer on Cade as he goes to National History Day. 

We are still a little shocked.  After Cade's interview process during Arkansas History Day last Saturday, we had to rush him away to his baseball games.  We didn't get to stay for the awards ceremony and just assumed that he wouldn't get to proceed to nationals because well, only the two top papers in the whole state get to go on.  So, color us shocked when we got an email from the teacher telling us all about the D. C. trip.


The project started last summer when Cade decided to write about Martin Luther and his influence on the Protestant Reformation.  Heavy topic for an 8th grader?  Yes!  But what a joy to have him be exposed to such significant information at such a critical age.  My prayers for his faith to grow exponentially are being answered.

I can't tell you how many hours Cade poured into his research and paper.  What I can tell you is that when I read the paper, I thought I was reading college level work.  He wouldn't let me help him one bit and so the final product caught me off guard.  This is good work. 

There is a principle that Eric is trying to instill into the boys (and me as well.)  It goes something like this:  "Don't be afraid to see just how great you can be, using the talents that God has given you.  We don't have to live in fear.  Our talents are on display for His glory and fame."

One of my favorite things about parenting right now is watching the boys' gifts and talents rise to the surface.  I am telling you, they are all so different, but they each showcase the glory of God in their own way!  It is fun to help them see their gifts and push them towards things where they will excel. 

I think about all of the teachers and judges that have read Cade's paper.  It is a paper that shouts that Jesus provided the ultimate sacrifice for sins and about how Christianity is all about grace and not works. I wonder just how many people an 8th grader has influenced for the Kingdom simply because he wasn't afraid to see just how great he could be while walking in the gifts God has given him.

You are gifted, too.  You have been invited into a story bigger than yourself.  Don't be afraid to see just how great you can be, using those talents for His glory.

Becke' Martens Stuart's photo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Super proud of my oldest son! Way to go Cade! - Dad