Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Casting Burdens

When Eric found out last Monday that he lost his main client and our income, I was mentally able to brush it aside with Thanksgiving in a few days. I wasn't about to let someone ruin my time with my family and my turkey. And enjoy myself, I did. Then, yesterday, things came crashing down. I took huge burdens. I am sure Satan was prancing around as I was engulfed in doubt and pity. The load got heavier as I thought about it more and more.

Last night at 2 am, as I stumbled to find the potty without tripping over myself, the Holy Spirit uttered these words very clearly: "Come to me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest." This morning I found the reference (Matthew 11:28) and also found these interpretations: "loaded down with burdens" and "carrying heavy loads."

I almost laughed at this because last night as I was flipping channels, the Lord gave me a very insightful visual of someone carrying a heavy load. John Hagee was promoting a new movie based on the "Pilgrim's Progress" book. The actor was literally carrying around a huge load on his back...so big that I couldn't figure out how he was even walking. It was only when he reached the foot of the cross that he was able to cast the load off.

This morning, as I read a praise devotional to the boys, I came across this verse: "Surely our griefs He Himself bore, and our sorrows He carried." (Isaiah 53:4) At the cross, our Savior carried my griefs and my sorrows...not to mention my sins. Jesus experienced all of my pain.

When fear and doubt set in, my I be given the grace to boldy approach the foot of the cross and throw off the weight.


Anonymous said...

ooh, I love how God gives us little signs, hints, and encouragements, even when we are at the lowest.
We are teaching Bryton about "hiding God's Word in his heart," so that he can call up verses when he is scared or in need....
Thank the Lord- He gave us direct instructions, and a direct line from our hearts to His in the form of a Love Letter!!
I'll be praying for you, girl!

Heather said...

Thanks for this, Becke. I always love reading your posts. I love the reminder to cast everything on Him. And I also love the mental picture...feeling like we can't walk for carrying all that and then just letting it fall at the cross. I will pray for you guys!
OH- and I LOVE the new header pic on your blog!

Kim said...

Wow, what a powerful testimony! The Lord placed you on my heart yesterday as I was vacuuming. I said a prayer for you. It's so good to know the Lord has you safely in His hands. He's given you these signs, encouraged you, showed you His abounding love and strength, and even places you on others hearts so we can lift you and your family up in prayer. Rest in knowing you are special beyond imagination in God's eyes. He cares so deeply for you and "will never leave you nor forsake you."

Kelli said...

Thanks for sharing. Are you obsessively checking Todd's site to see if the pics are up or is it just me? I'm ready to see them!

blessedpath said...

I was thinking of you also last night. I, too, am overwhelmed at times about jobs, money. How funny you ended up watching Tim Hagee.....I was led to TBN and of course they were talking about financial happenings and how the Lord wants us as believers to take refuge in Him, he will provide all our needs.....Why do we doubt??? He placed the stars in the sky and knows them all by name....I am having trouble shaking the blahs though, so unlike me at this time of year!! i do enjoy looking at the Christmas lights at night while sitting quietly. I did that last night too and just let loose with the tears...feels better:) know that i am praying for you. It helps to go through similiar trials with sisters in Christ!