Thursday, June 11, 2009

True Fellowship

I have been thinking some today.

You may or may not have been a reader of the "april rose" blog that ended up being a hoax. Without going into detail, it was basically a blog where a girl lied about expecting a terminally ill baby girl. I started reading it about a week before the baby was due. The blog author seemed genuine and even wise. I was a little taken back that she had fooled her millions of readers.

It made me think.

I love blogs. I love to blog. Blogs are a great way to learn more about people and see fun pictures. Blogs give us the ability to read others' stories and pray for them as needed. Some of them even provide spiritual insight. But, I wonder if we sometimes allow blogs (and facebook and twitter and texting and myspace and email...) to replace true fellowship in our lives.

I will be the first person to tell you that I would much rather communicate via email or any other form of the written word. Speaking on the phone is sometimes painful for me. But, I was reminded of something the other day when my out -of- town, dear friend stopped by to see me for an hour the other day. I love her blog. I love seeing her girls' pictures and hearing stories about her family. But one hour with my friend was more meaningful and "real" than a whole year's worth of blog posts combined. One hour of true fellowship with my friend filled my soul with contentment.

I know it sounds deep and conspiratorial and looney, but I think that if we aren't careful, we can be sucked up into Satan's grand plan of all this techno-community crap. I know that for myself, it is hard to be the actual hands and feet of Jesus if I am sitting at my computer. I am not saying that we shouldn't blog or pray for those in need. But, I do think that it is easy to allow blogs and facebook and twitter and texting and myspace and email to make us "think" we are involved in true fellowship, when, deep down, our souls are as lonely and hungry as ever.

I am going to strive to pursue a more real sense of fellowship with my blog pals. It may mean I actually get off my bootie and go see one of them for a change. Whoo, now if I can just get up the gumption.

Love you all, blog readers and pals.


Kirby said...

Amen!! That's probably why I don't blog much anymore...

And, you can come see me anytime!

Little Oak Table said...

You are absolutely right! We have had some major revamping at our house as far as relationships go.

I allow myself a certain amount of computer time each day for accountablity. I set the timer for 10 minutes or 15, and my boys know when the timer beeps Mama is done.

And Sunday is a no computer day. Period. Sometimes Saturday too, but for sure it stays up on Sunday.

The boundaries have been good. I agree with you, meaningful relationship is found most fully in two way conversation! The way society is moving scares me. Convenience, surface, quick versus the real deal.

I believe Heb 10:24-25 speaks to what God thinks about it.

In His Army said...

so true...I'm glad you shared this. In one of the Beth Moore studies she kind of touched on this...didn't mention blogs specifically, but she talked about how we do get in the habit of emails, texts, etc, which is fine...but sometime we need to be REAL with one another. (I'm totally paraphrasing here, buit you probably remember what I'm talking about) I had not followed the "fake" blog, but I was still desappointed to hear that. Have a good weekend, girl!

blessedpath said...

Just yesterday on Oprah (I don't agree with all she believes) she challenged families to give up their computers, video games, phones, limit tv to 1hr.........the teens did not know what to do with themselves....sad. I too have thought much about this, and know i do not give as much of my attention while on the computer. Thank you for saying what you said, it has not fallen of deaf ears!! I am off to my womens retreat in 2 hrs....and there are NO computers or tvs there....nothin but my bible and good fellowship!! yeah:)

Jenni said...

Hi! I am so happy that you posted this! You hit the nail on the head for sure. I feel the same way & have thought so much about this same thing as I have read some of the fake blog drama. Nothing beats spending time with a good friend!

Anonymous said...

Becke- This was a wonderful post. I cannot tell you how I agree with you. I think it is Satan-- and it robs not only the person who is plugging in only to the blog world of the blessings of real communion with friends but it robs the person's real life friends that have been ditched on the side of the road for new blog friends that seem perfect and without warts (because honestly someone blogging is only showing warts when they want too,etc ). When you sat down with your friend you were both was two way-- and there's no way to get closer to "loving your neighbor" than taking time to be with them. I just love this entry. I've had this experience with someone in my life and it just really hit home when I read it. Thanks so much for sharing-- maybe it will help someone think. I am really learning that I am not alone in how I feel about this and its giving me the strength to deal with the pain that I have felt over it. Its still a journey for me but I am working on it. Wonderful words today!!

the Fosters said...

Thank you for this post Becke! I completely agree with this! I love meaningful relationships and need to do better at keeping them going.
Your Cade is such a handsome boy. I know you are proud of him!