Hauling three boys and an anxious 60 pound dog to the vet is always an adventure. Cade was allowed to "take care of" Savannah while there...responsible for getting her in and out of the car, etc. I thought for sure she was a goner when she bolted out of the car towards the busy street, but he held on tight and may have even lost a finger or two in the process.
I have not been a good "dog Mommy" lately and it definitely showed up this visit. First, we were 6 months late getting into the appointment, but I was not in the mood to throw $250 down on the dog when we really needed it elsewhere. Second, when we ran out of heartguard medicine a few months ago, well....we didn't exactly go out and replace it right away. The lovely vet-in-training named Sam (short for Samantha not Samuel, hence the adjective, lovely) told us it was quite a miracle that her worm results came back negative. Thank you, Jesus.
Sam later pokes her head in to ask if we would like them to trim Savannah's toenails. I hate doing this and had neglected it for a bit, so I told her to go ahead! Score. Later, as I looked at the bill, I realized I was a dummy. They charged me $14.20 to trim 10 toenails. I should start a business, or something.
Then, the vet poked his head in and asked us if we had noticed Savannah's mouth smelling really bad. Uhh, yeah, could you help us with that? He produced long forceps that held a small rotten twig that had been caught between her upper teeth...horizontally. Oh, I guess that is why she would only carry around her chew bones instead of devouring them like usual. Bad Mommy.
Her skin condition...scratchy, itchy summer grass allergy skin cost us another $33 for a shot to aleve the pain. Come on, dead winter grass, don't you want to come a little early?
So, $250 later, our sweet gal is back to her smiley self. Chew bones are being inhaled. But, she is worth it. She has been nothing but pure goodness to our family.
I hear ya! It IS so expensive, compared to what we pay for ourselves to go to the DR. But, you are right, they are definately worth it!! The dogs in my lifetime have brought me sooo much joy:) Poor little girl, her mouth must feel soooo much better!!
wow! You are so right about trips to the vet! Glad they got her fixed back up! Have a great weekend!
Poor Savannah Girl! So mistreated! LOL I'm just kidding! She has a great home and is a very lucky dog!
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