Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Meet Marty

Meet Marty! He is our family snowman. What perfect snowman making weather we have had! It has been fun to drive around and see all the variations of "Frosty." For some reason, Marty looks a little sad. Maybe it is because he lost two "teeth," wears a seashell as a hat, and has a heart made out of stone. We love him, though!
Our neighbor's pine limbs decided to hop on over to our yard.
Then our pine tree limbs decided to make an appearance on our other neighbor's roof. We are sharing neighbors like that.
I dub this picture "frozen alligator on a stick." It sounds like something they sell at Toad Suck Daze.

It amazes me that these camellias survive in these temperatures.

I think God just knew we might need a little color when everything else tends to look bleak.

The beauty of God is all around, but sometimes we have to be more intentional about seeing it.

I keep thinking they are insane for cancelling school again tomorrow. I mean, the main roads are totally clear and dry. I guess there must be some side roads that are pretty bad.

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