To be meek is not to be weak
It is strength under pressure
It is not denying anger
It is controlling anger
Relinquishing to the One who can offer change
To be meek is to lower oneself
We always must come back to this word, humble
Pliable in God's hand
Lambs but not stupid beasts
Mild but not ignorant
Submissive to Christ but not blind
{Meekness is going to sit under your shade tree instead of lashing out at your wife. It's giving your anger over to the Only One who can change her heart and then going back inside, filled with the love of a relentless and patient God.}
The meek are the strongest people on earth
The meek are satisfied with God being God
The meek are content
The meek surrender their own roar to the Roar of the Lion
The meek possess
The meek wait
and wait
and wait
The meek cast their votes and wait in anticipation of what a Holy, Just, and Merciful God will do with the collection
The meek refuse to be impatient
refuse to fret
refuse to worry
The meek forgive
The meek seek peace
The meek are promised an increase of joy
"The meek in spirit are like a photographer's sensitive plates, and as the Word of God passes before them, they desire to have its image imprinted upon their hearts. Their hearts are like the fleshy tablets on which the mind of God is recorded; God is the Writer, and they become living epistles, written, not with ink, but with the finger of the Living God." Spurgeon
Blessed are the Meek
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