Thursday, May 7, 2015

Prayers to the Giver

As we fall on our knees today, may our voices rise in a unified and yet harmonious ballad of prayer to the One who still gives.

Let the sins of our nation fall weighty on our shoulders.  Let us ponder the things that God calls morally disgusting like the murder of 60 million helpless beautiful souls that God created. Those babies alone could populate a nation the size of the United Kingdom.  We have killed a whole nation off, in the name of self.

Let us remember that God's definition of family (Man+Wife or Man+Wife+Kid/s) is being stripped away before our very eyes.  As man and wife parent, they represent the whole character of God to the children.  As a whole, they can show children strength and justice, mercy and tenderness. Man and woman were created in His image and it takes this beautiful combination for children to see God. If family disintegrates, then the nation will implode.  Lord, we cry out that your way be preserved!

Let us ponder the hypocrisy and lies and apathy for sin in our government.  Let us pray for those in office, that they would have eyes to see and that they would be burdened by sin and that God might do a work in so many hearts.  Let us start begging for righteous leadership to be voted into place to change our nation around. Lord, we ask for your favor on the courageous and Godly ones that might boldly lead a visionless people.

Let us remember Israel and pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Lord, blanket your chosen nation in refuge against the onslaught of enemies.  Remove their blinders, that they can see the Messiah that has already come and will come again.  Let us remember that our beloved nation has been blessed and God has been longsuffering because we have stood with Israel for so long.

Above all, let us not forget that God is Giver.  The God that freely gave His One and Only.  The Son that willingly took on our condemnation.  The Holy Spirit that daily breathes in us, wooing us towards holiness.  This God still gives.  He receives glory by giving!  Your prayers are being heard! 

He longs to grant mercy to a nation that repents.  He longs to show compassion to the outcast.  He longs to gather us under His wings of refuge.

As you pray today, on this National Day of Prayer, remember that God is still in the business of giving.  He will never surrender His glory of being the Giver.

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