Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The Wicked Slither

Despite my country raisin', I don't do snakes.  The fear seems to be getting worse as I get older.  This didn't serve me well when I found one in my garage last week.  In my city house garage, mind you.  The wicked slither was undeniable.  I choked/cussed/called out to God in a single gasp and then stared it down.  It sensed my presence and wouldn't budge as long as I held my ground. 

Eric was inside, but I was afraid if I moved, it would flee.  The prospect of having a snake loose in the garage seemed more terrifying than killing it myself, so kill it I would.  The problem was that there wasn't much handy to kill it with and I had mere flip flops on.  I'm telling you, I stood there a solid ten minutes, it terrified of me and I terrified of it.  I started begging God for courage to just get it done.

The closest weapon I had was Cade's bike.  The snake was in the proximity of his back tire so if I could slam the tire up and down on it, it just might work.  (This was a baby snake.)  With all my righteous anger boiling to the surface, I grabbed the bike and slammed it on the snake's head.  Up and down, I pounded the snake anywhere I could pound him.  (That darn bike was heavier than I had anticipated!) 

I gasped and checked to see about the victory.  His head looked smashed but his tail was still moving so I kept pounding him with rubber and force.  Finally, he was dead. And I was mentally and physically wiped out.

Stupid snake.

When I watch the news or spend a lot of time in prayer, I can see the Wicked Slither that is undeniable.  The Enemy is everywhere, it seems.  Marriages.  Abortions.  Government.  ISIS disguised as refugees.  Race crimes.  Murder this and murder that.  A world turning its back on Israel. 

It's going to take a lot more than rubber and mere force to tackle this one.  Then, I remember that this snake has already been defeated by the blood of Jesus.  Still, I cry out for Jesus to come and take away all of this filth. I realize I'm crying out for Jesus to come down and be King because that's about the only hope we have of all things being set right.

Jesus sits on the heavenly throne, but one day, He will sit amongst us where all will bow down and worship Him.

Come into our mess, Jehovah Tsidkenu (God our righteousness.)  You alone can make everything right once again. We are longing for a sinless world.

{Practical advise for when the enemy is attacking your home.  #1.  Stare him down.  Stand strong and don't move or waver.  Let him know you are aware of his attacks and that he is not welcome. #2.  Beat him down over and over again.  Not with rubber but with the Word of God that comes out of your mouth. As a believer, you have authority over the evil one because of the name of Jesus and the blood.  It's time to start using it. #3.  Consider buying this book.}

If I can ever pray for you, then I would be honored.  These are hard times.  It's plain old hard to be us and sometimes we just need to know we aren't alone in the battle.

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