Friday, August 29, 2014

Favorite Things

It's that time again!  Time for a few of my favorite things!  Now I am not a high maintenance or very materialistic person...personally I can't wait until the earth's elements are burned by fire so we can get a new heaven and a new earth where nothing breaks or rots!  In the meantime, I want to celebrate a few little things that bring a smile until we are there! Hopefully, some of these things will save you money in the long run or make your life a little easier!
1.  Fajitas!  Nothing makes me happier than prancing myself into a Mexican restaurant and eating a truckload of fajitas. With 5 people now eating off of the adult menu, we choose not to eat out too often!  Enter this recipe!  All the ingredients bake together in the same glass pan.  I can whip it up while the boys are doing homework, and wham-bam, it's a fiesta.  On a school night.  Shut the front door.  Here is the link to the recipe. We like to throw in a little steak, too. 

2. Vintage Prayer Journal--God was so sweet to let me lay eyes on this little beauty of a journal.  It just makes me want to write things down and start talking to the Father all about it! It is always a blessing to go back and see what He has answered.  Faithful and good.

3.  Headbands!  These mean I don't have to wash my hair so they are my new BFF.  Now, I am the type of gal who usually hates things like sunglasses and headbands because they squeeze my ears half to death and I wind up with a tension headache.  But, this headband company called Banded 2gether is the real deal. They even stay put!  Best of all, each headband you purchase provides meals for children in Uganda.

4. Sally Hansen Miracle Gel--I hate painting my nails.  HATE IT.  I am pretty sure this is why God gave me four boys because they idea of sitting around painting my little girl's nails just doesn't appeal to me.  One of the reasons I hate it so much is that you put all that work into it and then, bam, two days later you have chippage and you are having to repent from the slew of curse words that come out of your mouth.  Enter this nail polish.  It boasts that it will stay on up to 14 days. I knew this was a stretch. So, when mine stayed on a solid 7 days, I decided that was good enough.  You have to buy the topcoat because it sets the polish and makes it super shiny!
 5.  Andrew Murray.  Born in the 1800s and knew him some Jesus and the Word!  I am really enjoying everything he wrote about, especially about prayer.  Most of his stuff is on Kindle for either free or super cheapola, like a buck.

6. Fixer Upper.  Oh my stars.  Best show ever. It is a home redo show on HGTV.  What sets it apart is this married couple.  They love each other, love God, use their talents for His glory, and get so much joy in creating peaceful spaces for their clients.  It is a super fun show! If you like home decor, etc, you will love Joanna's blog, too.  Find it here.
7.  Old Quilts--a friend let me use her backyard awhile back for a photo session.  She let me borrow the quilt below and I went on and on about how much I loved it.  Pretty sure my love language is old quilts.  Anyhoo, imagine my delight when she later gifted me with it!!! I have it at the foot of my bed and love looking at all the happy colors.

8.  Physician's Formula Eye Liner--I am trying to find more and more "drugstore/over the counter" makeup products I like but I usually end up wasting money because I usually hate them.  Not this one!  These liners come in a fancy packet of three and they actually work. They don't even give me raccoon eyes by the end of the day.  For $10, they are a good deal.

1 comment:

Little Oak Table said...