Sunday, December 30, 2012

Remembering 2012: My Scattering of Stones

Many times this year I have wanted to shut down the ol' blog.  It takes a lot of time to maintain and quite frankly, time gets more and more scarce.  But, as I was reviewing some posts from the past year, I realized that this simple blog is how God reminds me of what He has done in my life.  My brain cells seem to be deteriorating and my memory isn't what it used to be.  For me to look back and remember God's faithfulness is healthy for this soul of mine.

In a way, this blog is my altar of remembrance.  In Genesis, those who were seeking after God might lay down stones in a certain area to remember how God had revealed Himself at that place and time.  Some of my posts are simply stones and when I walk by them again, I am reminded of Who He is.

I write so I can remember.

The soul always needs to be reminded lest it get stale.

So, with that, I thought I would leave you my scattering of stones...ways God has revealed Himself to me this year or ways I have found Him faithful. 

1.  Coming Home {Mercy lets the boy-man come home}

2.  Death Precedes Growth {Emptiness is OK in God's eyes}

3.  Cherish the Fetus {Seeing God's glory in a fresh way}

4.  His Display of Affection {God often reveals Himself to me in themes}

5.  The Accuser {How to recognize the true enemy}

6.  The Steer and the Transition {Being Set Free to Make Decisions}

7.  Cycles {How to react when God is silent}

8.  At the King's Gate {Being content with where God has you}

9.  He Goes Before and He Stays Behind {God has us hemmed in}

10.  The Double Camp {The God of Jacob is also my God}

11.  Two Cans of Vienna Sausages {Why it is important to stop for just one}

12.  The Banqueting Table {Ungratefulness keeps us blinded from what God has provided}

13.  Digging Ditches {Perhaps my favorite passage of the Word this year...I don't have to produce rain!}

14.  A Face and a Name {God's mercy and fulfillment in being my Master Gardener...He is about grace and restoration if we simply have eyes to see.}

I reread the above posts and marveled at who our God is...I hope you will be encouraged like I have been!

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