Pssst. I have a secret. Lean in a little closer. Ooh, that is some good Bath and Body Works lotion you've got goin' on! OK, are you ready for this? I have read a whole lot of books on faith and Christianity and growth and discipleship and knowing Jesus. Guess what?
This is one of my faves!
The book is "The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life" written by Hannah Whitall Smith way back in the late 1800's. But, don't let the thees and thous of this book make you miss a masterpiece! I still have a grandmother that prays with her thees and thous. I think it makes her holier.
It is a book that concentrates on two main things that will lead you to a happy life. First, consecration. We've got to fully surrender or the rest is futile. Second, faith. We've got to trust God to make good on what we've given up. Remember...step one: entire abandonment; step two: absolute trust.
Got that? I didn't think so. That's why you need her explanation and all the thees and thous beautifully dispersed throughout.
You know it is my year for fruit and God revealing Himself as the Master Gardener, so I will leave you with a taste of Mrs. Smith's insights until your own copy comes in.
God wants us planted in the soil of grace so that we will know His heart for us and have the ability to rest in His love and ways.
"...when once planted in grace, the growth of the soul in one month will exceed that of years in any other soil. For grace is a most fruitful soil, and the plants that grow therein are plants of a marvellous growth. They are tended by a Divine Husbandman, and are warmed by the Sun of Righteousness, and watered by the dew from be planted in grace is to live in the very heart of this love, to be enveloped by it, to be steeped in it, to revel in it, to know nothing else but love only and love always, to grow day by day in the knowledge of it, and in faith in it, to entrust everything to its care, and to have no shadow of a doubt but that it will surely order all things well."
"It is to be so satisfied with our Husbandman, and with His skill and wisdom, that not a question will cross our minds as to His modes of treatment or His plan of cultivation. It is to grow as the lilies grow, or as the babes grow, without a care and without anxiety..."
"You need make no efforts to grow; but let your efforts instead be all concentrated on this, that you abide in the the Vine."
"Do not seek then to choose your own soil, nor the laying out of your borders; do not plant your own seeds, nor dig about, nor prune, nor watch over your own vines. Be content with what the Divine Husbandman arranges for you, and with the care He gives. Let Him choose the sort of plants and fruits He sees best to cultivate..."
I told you I had a little gem of a secret! I hope you enjoy her wisdom as much as I have!
*picture courtesy of google
Wow! Becke! That was awesome. Someone spoke John 15 over me last week and said that I need to be concentrating for 2 weeks on abiding. I am going to have to get that book. I have noticed in those moments of life that I truly grasp grace and live in it, growth does become something completely different. I prayed for you last night, that God would show you how to walk in your calling for this season. Blessings!
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