Friday, January 25, 2008

Sleep Stories

Once kiddos are sleeping through the night, one of my favorite things about them is the funny things they do while they are sleeping. The other morning around 6 am, Eli crawled into bed with me. This is the most non-conventional sleeper ever when it comes to his position and sometimes even location. One time we were terrified when we couldn't find him in his bed or anywhere else in the house. Finally, we looked under our bed, and he lay there conked out. When he crawls into our bed early in the morning, he usually likes to lay perpendicular to us---with his feet kicking into my full bladder. Well, on this certain morning, I needed to get up, so as I snuck out of bed (he is also a light sleeper), I heard him say as loudly as possible, "Save the Fish!!!!!" Eli loves animals and I am sure he was on some sort of rescue mission in lala land.
Last night, for a special treat, we let Cade and Eli go to sleep in our bed. We then switch them into their beds when we are ready to go to bed. During this process, Cade did something so funny that it might just be retold at his wedding rehearsal dinner. He walked from our bed to his bed and started up the ladder of his bunk beds. And then, he started to go back down the ladder and headed to his bathroom. I just assumed that he needed to go potty, but Eric had a hunch that this was going to be a momentous event, so he followed him in there. With the light off, Cade was scrambling onto the stool and trying to swing his legs onto the bathroom counter. When I walked in there, he was sitting on the counter with his legs in the sink. He looked so sweet in his batman jammies cuddled up with his blue blanket. We kept trying to ask him what he was doing, but I am telling you, that kid was as asleep as asleep gets...even though his eyes were open. We took him back to bed and then laughed our heads off for the next 30 minutes. When we asked him about his sleep adventures this morning, he looked at us like we were crazy! He totally denied it, probably thinking we just enjoy telling false stories. Oh, kids, what blessings of laughter they bring!
Ok, I guess I need to include Sam in this post. Sam is such a great and heavy sleeper. We are trying to transition him into his little toddler bed. I tried it the other night and he started crying and pointing to his crib, saying, "bed!" I think he is like his Momma...I love my bed and there is just no reason to get rid of a good thing!


Jenny said...

What sweet memories those will be:) One of my absolute favorite things is when Andrew comes in our room to sleep in the mornings. He's such a snuggler. Some mornings I'll wake up around 5:30 and he's not there yet and I just start praying that he will wake up and come snuggle before I have to get up and get ready:)

Little Oak Table said...

what a HOOT! it is so weird how people can do stuff with their eyes open and yet they are totally asleep! and carry on complete conversations in their sleep. that is just amazing. that was a funny story! i am up WAY too late. i placed my new sample order and now am just pumped up and can't go to sleep. our late nap isn't helping either. hopefully the double stuf oreos and milk i just had will make me sleepy!

Kelli said...

hee, hee, hee. That's so cute. I wish we lived closer too. We could get together and have a cup of tea and let the children destroy themselves. Love you!