Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Life Verse

Cade came home today and told me that his teacher had encouraged them all to come up with life verses. They were to pick a bible verse that would encourage and admonish them in the days to come. I asked Cade what he was thinking about choosing and he told me that he had already picked it: Matthew 4:10-11. Being the scholar that I am, I quickly recognized this passage. Just kidding! Being the horrible memorizer that I am, I had him turn to the passage. Here it is: "Jesus said to him, 'Away from me Satan! For it is written: 'Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.' Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him."

That just wasn't what I was expecting out of a 9 year and 11 month old! It seems deep and powerful. Not that the Bible is full of fluff, but I guess I was expecting something a little more familiar. I love that kid and I love what God is doing in his life!

I asked him why he picked that verse and he said it told him that Jesus is all powerful and even Satan has to do what he says. Well, I guess if you can grasp the sovereignty of God at such a young age, then you are on the right track! Glory to God, despite the evil all around, our King is in control!

We saw our elderly neighbor, Mr. Bass, outside a bit ago and decided to go tell him hello. He isn't doing very well. The doctors are trying to give him a defibrillator but he said after he prayed about it, God told him not to proceed with that. He seemed at peace and excited that God (once again) made his path clear. It broke my heart, realizing that a person with only 50% heart muscle may not live much longer. I prayed God would receive him with great joy into His glory when the time is right.

Mr. Bass was full of wisdom for Cade tonight. He told him that playing ball has many life lessons to give and that we should play to win because we should run the race in order to receive the prize. (my paraphrase) He told him that if he would live his life by Joshua 1:8, then he would be taken care of in this life.

I hate to see that man go. And yet, I long for him to have a healthy body and to be reunited with his wife.

Matthew 4:10 in the message says, "Serve him with absolute single-hearted-ness." Let it be in Cade's life, Lord. Let it be.


Unknown said...

aaaah. that is just awesome.

Anonymous said...

gulp, gulp..sniff, sniff...lump in throat...bleary eyes. Heart full of pride.

Anonymous said...

oh, by the way...in this case "bleary" is a combination of blury and teary......Mom

Anonymous said...

Well, again I'm not supprised because of the training Cade is receiving in his home. He has such a sweet, sensitive spirit. He is also very mighty in his spirit, and godly in his character. He is a mighty warrior already! How I love that boy!