819 days. We have missed you for 819 days. When you left, it changed things. But, it doesn't compare to the days we had your here. 8936 days.
There is a line by singer Nicol Sponberg that says, "Your days here changed everything." And I think it applies to you, too, Kiley.
The days you spent hugging on Honduras kids and teaching them about Jesus
The days you encouraged your BFF's in their walk with Christ
The days you loved on Amelia and made her your best friend and not just your sister
The days you led wisely in your job position
The days you served others practically and tangibly
The days you lit up the room and filled it with laughter
The days you played basketball with a Christlike attitude
The days you encouraged your barren friend and told her that with God all things were possible (who found out she was pregnant about a month after you went home!)
The days you taught the girls in church that they were princesses of the Almighty God and even hosted a banquet on their behalf
The days you were simply being who God created you to be
Your days here changed everything.
{If you knew Kiley, would you post a memory or a way you know that her days changed everything??}
I remember when we went shopping and I was big and pregnant.
Kiley picked out the cutest denim skirt with frayed edges on the bottom, it was so sassy and stylish and I never would have noticed it!!! She picked out a cute little western floral shirt to go with it and I always felt so cute in that outfit :)!
Kiley was so pretty and her hair was absolutely beautiful. It was so long, black, and curly. I know she thought she had a big booty but she could wear anything and look cute. I had the privilege of knowing Kiley through my sister Libby. Kiley was one of her best friends and they had an amazing bond that I've never seen between friends. Kiley lit up a room by just walking into a room and smile. She had an amazing smile....What a girl!
Kiley, she is my best friend and how I miss our conversations dearly! I think most of our best conversations were after Mexican food- where she always convinced me to split the mixed nachos with veggies :) She inspired me to want to truly know Christ and through our many Beth Moore studies together I grew in my walk with Him. I cannot wait to hug her soon and tell her how much I love her!
Stephanie B
I didn't really know Kiley very well, but I did know so many who mourned her precious life. I still hear poeple talk about the impact she had on them.
B, I never met Kiley but I know her days changed everything, because I got to know you. I met you just weeks before Kiley died, and I prayed you silently through them. I have loved getting to know you, and love getting to know Kiley through your words. She was obviously a gem, and she has touched lives I'm sure she never imagined.
Beautiful celebration of Kiley's "days".
I only met Kiley a couple of times, but she always made me smile. I remember one time in particular, the last time I saw her, actually, when she and Kirby came over to Herb and Barbara's to eat dinner with us. She cracked us all up the whole time and when she left I remember commenting to LEe that I was madly in love with her hair. I'm glad I've gotten to kno her a little better through you. You do a great job of celebrating who she was!
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