Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Field Trip!

Cade was awarded with a field trip for doing so well in his school reading program...we headed to LR to see the Clinton Presidential Library.  We later stopped off at Pinnacle for a picnic and hike.  So glad I could join him!

One of many views from the library...
 You may know it better as the glorfied double wide...

 They recreated the oval office...for what it looked like when Clinton was in office.  Very neat idea...some things are original and others are reproductions.
 The ceiling of the "oval office"

 the featured exhibit was Dr. Seuss...had some original artwork, etc. on display.  Very interesting fellow.  Still not sure what I think about him...yay for getting kids to read...but some of his "Adult" artwork is a bit creepy.
 "George Stuart" had created a ton of lifelike dolls....I mean the detail of each one just made you really want to meet the guy in person and tell him how gifted he is!

 This may have been my favorite thing...a glass Christmas tree...this is only half of it since it was too tall for the ceiling.  It kind of looks like Medusa on steriods or something...but a photographer's dream!

 They said these presidential blue boxes contained milions of Presidential documents...but I am not sure I believe them.  Or maybe I do....we had to go thru security for some reason or other.

Elvis is coming soon as the featured exhibit...

1 comment:

Little Oak Table said...

such a beautiful office, the yellow and blue are stunning!

glad you got some time with cade-he's so big!!!