Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Conversations in Boyland

This morning, as I should have already been in the shower, I just couldn't leave my snuggle bunnies, ages 6 and 3. We were all snuggled up in my big bed. I just love crisp and cool mornings...having little boys to snuggle with makes it even better! So here are a couple of converations that transpired...
Eli: "guess what my favorite part of spring break is?"
Me: "What's that?"
Eli: "Getting to sleep in with my Mommy!"
Me: "ahhh" ( I wipe tears from my eyes and snot from my nose)

Me: "Sam, you stink like a pee pee diaper."
Sam: "Well, you stink like an old pig!"
Me: "Every kid is different, huh, God!"

1 comment:

Three Against One said...

Kids are too funny, isn't it amazing how they can make us laugh daily? Thanks for the laugh!