Wednesday, February 16, 2011

favorite things

First, we have the Vidalia Chop Wizard.  This little do-dad has changed my life.  I love onions and seem to put them in everything.  This bad boy chops them up with a single push of the palm, and then locks the fumes down tight til you are ready to use the onions.  Because crying does not belong in the kitchen.  Amen and amen.

Next, we have the red washed Toms.  Now, I do not own these, nor any other pair of Toms, but I have my eye on them.  How cute would they be for the spring with some rolled up jeans?  Yes, they will soon be a favorite thing, I am sure of it.

 Ahhh, the owl.  Need I say more?  I love them.  But only the cute kid kind, not the scary ones.  I need this hat in a bad kind of way.  Maybe the dog will don it.  (You can find this hat on etsy....which is a whole other favorite in itself.)
 And now we have Mrs. Meyer's Countertop spray.  Cleaning my kitchen tops (as opposed to bottoms) has never been so much fun.  I went with the Basil scent because it said it would calm my nerves.  I figured $3 countertop spray would be cheaper than a therapist.
And, finally, we arrive at Carried Away, which is what my husband picked out for me all by himself!  It is the essence of spring and makes you want to kiss a newborn, read amidst poppies, and go shoe shopping.  All at the same time. 

What are some of your favorite things right now?

1 comment:

Cassie said... said...

I have the onion chopper too! Love it...I have a pair of red glitter toms, but to be honest I don't love them. They have the thinnest soles of any shoe short of a flip flop. I wear them, but never if Im gonna have to walk alot or on anything like rocks.