Friday, February 11, 2011

Getting All Real With Ya

Let's just have a heart to heart.
My brother is getting married in June and it has given me a reason to be thinking about some goals.
Weight loss goals.

My smart Momma told me a long time ago to have a weight number in mind that I never wanted to get above and that when I reached it, to never let myself go over it.

Well, I am at that number.

Yay, me.

It is so emotional being female.  You start down the thinking path that you are overweight and it throws everything else off kilter.  I gave myself a darn good smoky eye this morning just to offset the other feelings.  Oh, how we try and compensate.  But, it never helps.

Sure, you can be all sweet and leave comments saying that I look "just fine," but I know how hard it is to try and accessorize your whole week around one pair of jeans that fit.  I know how hard it is to look in the mirror.

So, I decided to research the best way to lose weight.  And guess what?

I already knew everything that I researched.

Weight loss isn't rocket science.  You simply burn more calories than you eat.

Then, what is the real problem?  I mean, I eat soy nuts and Greek yogurt for snacks.  So, why is my metabolism all the sudden having a mutiny?

I just don't know.

But, I know a road back, I think. 

Do what I know to do.  And keep doing it.  That is all I know to do.

I did learn a couple of things that surprised me:
1.  Diet drinks can stop you from losing either allow yourself one a week or flush out your system with the same amount of water after you drink one.  {I only have a coke about every couple of days...but I will for sure start flushing it out...or thinking twice about putting it in there!}

2.  Drink at least 2 liters a day.  Water, of course.  Now, this isn't new news...but this part is:  If you are chronically dehydrated, your body will retain water in unflattering places.  I think that is me.  Guess what?  Drinking that much water a day can lead to 100 plus extra calories burned a day.  Also, drink some water before you eat, so you will feel fuller faster. Ummm, hubs, can you buy me toilet paper for Valentine's Day? 

 3.  Exercise.  I guess this isn't new, either.  But, I put a pic of me and Kelli on there for some motivation.  She still looks amazingly hot.  Me, not so much.  I like how the treadmill says "Image" on the front.  When I am down in the dumps, I can read that and remember that I have been created in the image of God...this tends to put other things into perspective.
 4.  Eat:  6 small, tiny, itsy bitsy meals.  Protein: size of your palm.  Healthy carb:  size of your fist.  I think I am going to starve.  Place pic of self on fridge.  More motivation.
I am going to go cry now.
Bye Bye


kelli said...

Uuuummm...there's no way on God's green Earth I'd let someone take a picture of me in that pose now. That was the best shape I've ever been in...

Yeah...this whole trying to lose weight business is lame. I've never had to try so hard before. I just signed up for a fitness class at the gym today. It's a month long boot camp and I'm pretty sure it's gonna kick my butt. Which as fine as long as significant portion of my butt melts away. We'll see. Those two Oreos I ate after lunch probably didn't help much. How much water do I need to drink to flush those out?

Good luck you hot mama!

Heather said...

The water thing was a HUGE adjustment for me when I started back exercising and eating better. I literally went to the bathroom every 5 minutes!! It was hilarious!! But your body will adjust!!

I really think the water helps in all the ways you said. And now my body craves that water! (And you know what a Dr. Pepper addict I am!!) On Sundays when I am not in my normal routine and I get out of church in the mornings having not drank my normal amounts of water because I haven't been to the gym, etc, I am soooo thirsty!!

You can do it, girlie!!

Paige said...

it seems we both been in the same emotional place. i've been there the last few days. struggling with the "image" i see in the mirror. i'll be praying with you. love ya!

Amelia said...

Ok. Just so you know, that whole diet coke comment made me really depressed! No wonder I'm getting fat!

Cassie said... said...

ok, I have to say I totally dont agree with you a few of your assumptions.:)...kinda. LOL What's funny it that ive changed so many of my ideas over the last 39 pounds.

I found that I could actually drink too much water. I finally settled on 4-20 bottles a day. I did use crystal light green tea in all of them and never seemed to have a problem shedding the weight. I have used some sweet-n-low the entire time in my tea.

You do have to burn more calories than you take in, but if you wake up, do normal stuff and go to bed you will burn about 2,000 to 2,500 calories a day. SOOOO if you eat around 1,200 to 1,400 a day you will lose 2 to three pounds a week. since you have to burn 3,000 calories to lose a pound.

As for being hungry, you can eat soooo much food on your diet, you just have to eat different things. and I dont mean just salads. with your protein You can eat giant piles of roasted veggies cooked with olive oil and flavored with mrs dash. I kid you not. You can eat 2 to 3 cups of satued veggies with every meal and be so stuffed you can't eat anymore. Eating a big meal at breakfast is the best thing you can do i've found. A 2 egg omlette stuffed with a bunch of veggies and a little cheese and even chicken will keep you full for hours. Add beans to anything to help tide you over too. salads, soups, breakfast...they are slow carbs so your body does not absorb the sugars.

My biggest thing...weigh yourself to get your starting point, then dont weigh again for at least a week ( I think 2 weeks for girls) and then after that, weigh yourself every day for the rest of your life. You will never put the weight back on if you watch the scale every single day (except your birthday, weddings and vacation) Richard Simmons has always claimed the way he kept his 350 pounds off was stepping on that scale every day for the last 25 years.


Little Oak Table said...

Awwww Beck, I can't weigh in on weight loss advice but I'll try not to be a food pusher when we hang out :).

This is such a personal thing to talk about. If you are like me it is a very sensitive area to talk about. I'll pray for you and just so I can put my two cents in (even though I know it doesn't matter, wink wink) you ALWAYS look beautiful!

So just know that when the rest of us are rockin' the air dried hair and athletic clothes with no make-up look you are always lookin' smokin' hot!


Natalie saw you at Kroger a week or so ago and said, "Becke' always looks so pretty, and she is always made-up and put together!"