Friday, April 22, 2011

Heavy Heart

Kids are home.  Thankful for a school that dismisses them in remembrance of the most important day ever.

Heart is heavy.  Knowing I should sit down and read and remember.  The sacrifice.  The blood.  The beating.  He couldn't breathe.  All of sin cast upon him.  No wonder he couldn't breathe.

Trying to balance the feelings I have today with knowing Sunday is around the corner.  But, those that loved him that day couldn't cling to that hope.  They didn't understand.

Thankful I understand that Resurrection Day is coming.

Thinking about certain words that mean something...

crown of thorns when my Savior is the King of Kings
kiss of betrayal that should have been a kiss of thankfulness
darkness for three hours
curtain ripped from top to bottom
release of a guilty man
release of me
purple robe that stung the exposed flesh
dirty spear that became priceless once it touched the blood of the Holy One
crowd returning home, beating their breasts in grief
linen clothes to wrap his body with
joy of Mary when she recognizes the gardener
astonishment of Thomas when he sees the imprint of nails
14 precious days that He remained among those He loved
anticipation of the gift of the Holy Spirit
redemption of those who will believe
talking with the Father once again, free from wrath
power from on high

this day cost Him everything.
this day changed everything.

"Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, and that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem."  Luke 24:46

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