Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Hey Sir and Mim!

Hi Sir and Mim! This is Eli! I wanted to tell you Happy Valentine's Day. I also wanted you to see my new scooter. Oh, and Sam wanted you to see his crazy hair. Everytime he wakes up from nighttime or naptime, it looks like that! Funny, huh? See you soon! Gotta go watch American Idol now.


Amelia said...

Love the hair!!!

the Percifuls said...

Ditto! Love the hair!

Anonymous said...

Wait! You just can't be old enough and big enough to be riding a scooter!!!! You should still be pushed in a stroller....where did the time go??? You ARE growing up so fast and Sir and I are very proud of you!!!

Sam, you are adorable! Just look at that cute smile. You know there are some grown men who get up and gel and gel and work and work to get their hair to do that! Funny stuff right there, I don't care who you are!!!! (Now who was it that said that all the time....yep..KiKi)

Cade, I think we are getting to come to see you play ball the weekend of the 21st. Love ya!