Friday, April 10, 2009

The Big Easter Egg Dye

The Dye of 09'. The boys loved it! I have vivid memories of dying Easter eggs as a little girl. The year that sticks out the most is when my Mom dyed them in dark tea and then etched drawings onto them with a needle (?). She is an excellent artist and the image of a cross etched onto a tea stained egg has stayed with me forever. Since I received no artistic abilities whatsoever, we went with good ol, "Paas." While Sam didn't get into the dying and decorating process as much as I had hoped, he had a rip-roaring good time cracking them and shoving pieces of egg into his mouth. Cade later ate 2 himself. You would have thought that I had never offered these boys a hard boiled egg. I guess color made them tastier.


Cassie said... said...

I love to color eggs with the boys! We always do it on Saturday night.

Anonymous said...

I still have those eggs tellin what condition they are in now...
I also boiled some in purple onions for a purple-ish
color, but the tea stained ones were the prettiest.

I poked a tiny hole in the end of the egg, so that all that is inside eventually forms a hard dried up ball, then will just go away (from decay i guess) after a few years. And they never smelled bad. I wish I could find them, I always liked putting them out at Easter every year. Too many moves lately. Hopefully someday I will happen across them and be SOOOOOO surprised! I had fun helping you(my children) also.
Looks like your little guys made a good memory.

Kim said...

Love Sam's hairdo!

You're building great memories with your boys just like you had with your mom. What a neat story about that egg stained with tea. When your mom finally does find them, she must take pictures and show all of us!