I figured that only about 3 of you know the reason why my blog is named "moop and saba!"
I disclosed this info on my very first post, but that was like eons ago. So here it is!
One of the joys of raising kids is hearing their sweet little mouths start to utter words. Some of these words make perfectly good sense, while others, ahem, do not. When Cade was about two, he had a name for everything, but none of it was in actual English! His substitute name for milk was "moop" and boy, did he ask for it all the time! The kid would have been perfectly fine on a liquid diet, I think.
When Sam was younger, he somehow dubbed "saba" for the words "excuse me." It, of course, stuck. Now, the boys are all too eager to burp and toot just so they can say our family-owned word. It is a very fun replacement...you should try it! Maybe we will get a "royalty" on our family word if everyone adopts it??
So, I started the blog in an effort to capture the everyday sayings that my rascals say. The other day, Sam came up to me and replied, "I'm hippin'." Well, this was a new one! He told me to "watch." I looked at his tummy do a little bounce and realized that he had the hiccups! OHHHH! I asked him if he had the hiccups. He said: "No, I'm hippin'." Very cute. I am wondering if I should change my blog name to "moop, saba, and hippin'."
What are your favorite kid words that have become a part of your regular vocabulary in your family?
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Redeeming Back the Time
I have had a "theme" etched across my heart for about a month now. It is the concept of redeeming something. But this theme is not necessarily in the reference to Christ's redeeming blood that sets us free; although is there anything more precious or worthy of words? Instead, it has taken the shape of two very different forms. The first being a very practical way for believers to live their day to day lives. The second is more of an act of God; something we can only hope for.
There are many definitions of the word "redeem." For this first concept, I like the idea of "to make up for," or to "recover ownership of by paying a specified sum." Our lives were bought with a price. Do our lives reflect our grateful hearts? Our pastor said awhile back that in the KJV, Ephesians 5:16 says, "redeeming the time because the days are evil." We are to make the most of every chance we get. Colossians 4:5 says to "walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time."
I think we have a great challenge ahead of us: we need to understand what the Master requires of us. Our time is not our own. God bought it. God gifts it back to us to allow us to bring glory to Him. Matthew Henry said that "Time is a talent given us by God and it is misspent and lost when not employed according to His design." I don't know that I ever really thought about time being a talent from God. But, what we do from day to day will echo in eternity.
The idea of being disciplined with my time makes me smile in some areas and swoon with passivity in others. John Wesley said that we are to be "buying up every fleeting moment out of the hands of sin and Satan." It dawned on me that one practical way to redeem the time in my life would be to immediately start praying about things instead of dwelling on things to the point that worry consumes me. Instead of feeding Satan my worrisome thought life, I can approach the throne of grace with my thoughts and snatch away any stronghold the enemy might gain over my thought life.
Only the things that are done for Christ will last. All else will be burned. The wind will carry away the ashes of new clothes, shallow entertainment, and expensive get-aways. What am I doing that will matter even when time does not exist?
The second concept of "buying back the time" really doesn't tie into the first one. The second concept is all about God. Can you picture being face to face with your Savior and all of the sudden, everything is set right? Every desire of your heart has been given? Every ounce of worth and reputation has been restored? We live in such a fallen world, that I think it is hard to picture one that is not. And yet, it awaits us. Things hurt down here. But, redemption is in God's character. How silly we are to think that he only redeems our souls. He will also redeem every hurt and sense of loss.
Selah has a new song out called "Unredeemed." Here is my favorite line: "When anything that's shattered is laid before the Lord, just watch and see, it will not be unredeemed."
Job 19:25 "I know that my Redeemer lives and that in the end, he will stand upon the earth." Let's hold on til the end.
There are many definitions of the word "redeem." For this first concept, I like the idea of "to make up for," or to "recover ownership of by paying a specified sum." Our lives were bought with a price. Do our lives reflect our grateful hearts? Our pastor said awhile back that in the KJV, Ephesians 5:16 says, "redeeming the time because the days are evil." We are to make the most of every chance we get. Colossians 4:5 says to "walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time."
I think we have a great challenge ahead of us: we need to understand what the Master requires of us. Our time is not our own. God bought it. God gifts it back to us to allow us to bring glory to Him. Matthew Henry said that "Time is a talent given us by God and it is misspent and lost when not employed according to His design." I don't know that I ever really thought about time being a talent from God. But, what we do from day to day will echo in eternity.
The idea of being disciplined with my time makes me smile in some areas and swoon with passivity in others. John Wesley said that we are to be "buying up every fleeting moment out of the hands of sin and Satan." It dawned on me that one practical way to redeem the time in my life would be to immediately start praying about things instead of dwelling on things to the point that worry consumes me. Instead of feeding Satan my worrisome thought life, I can approach the throne of grace with my thoughts and snatch away any stronghold the enemy might gain over my thought life.
Only the things that are done for Christ will last. All else will be burned. The wind will carry away the ashes of new clothes, shallow entertainment, and expensive get-aways. What am I doing that will matter even when time does not exist?
The second concept of "buying back the time" really doesn't tie into the first one. The second concept is all about God. Can you picture being face to face with your Savior and all of the sudden, everything is set right? Every desire of your heart has been given? Every ounce of worth and reputation has been restored? We live in such a fallen world, that I think it is hard to picture one that is not. And yet, it awaits us. Things hurt down here. But, redemption is in God's character. How silly we are to think that he only redeems our souls. He will also redeem every hurt and sense of loss.
Selah has a new song out called "Unredeemed." Here is my favorite line: "When anything that's shattered is laid before the Lord, just watch and see, it will not be unredeemed."
Job 19:25 "I know that my Redeemer lives and that in the end, he will stand upon the earth." Let's hold on til the end.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Buy It.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Neverending Prayers
I think my three year and 11 month old son has the "pray without ceasing" thing down. When we let him pray at the table before eating, it is quite the event. I am thinking about inviting Billy Graham for the next prayer gathering.
It goes something like this:
Dear God;
Thank you that we play all day and sing all day.
Thank you that we are going up in a spaceship and for the zoo and for the swimming pool.
Thank you for moo-bies and tv that we watch all day.
And we watch Nemo and Diego.
And thank you for brothers.
And help us obey Mommy and Daddy.
OK...that is the general gist. Now imagine him repeating this type of info over and over again until I am finally the one to tell him to thank Jesus for our food so that we can eat. He then throws open his eyes, cuts them my way with a look that says, "how dare you interrupt my conversation with the Father," and then utters some nonsense word that sounds like "luh-hi-luh-kehm." This word reminds me of 'Father of the Bride" movie, (second one, I think) when the Iranian (?) guy shuts up his wife and says, "luh-hi-luh-kehm...you no talk while I am talking."
Sam then proceeds to finish his prayer the way he always intended. It was especially comical this morning. As Sam was praying, I peeked at the bigger boys. They were both so sweetly being patient with their eyes closed. But, hilarity of all hilarities, Eli had his head raised to heaven with about 3 inches of banana coming straight up out of his mouth. Now, you can't tell me that God doesn't laugh his head off at stuff like this. I mean, when a kid prays very silently and reverently with a banana coming out of his mouth like a giant cigar, that is something to chuckle about.
Oh, and we really don't watch moo-bies and tv all day.
It goes something like this:
Dear God;
Thank you that we play all day and sing all day.
Thank you that we are going up in a spaceship and for the zoo and for the swimming pool.
Thank you for moo-bies and tv that we watch all day.
And we watch Nemo and Diego.
And thank you for brothers.
And help us obey Mommy and Daddy.
OK...that is the general gist. Now imagine him repeating this type of info over and over again until I am finally the one to tell him to thank Jesus for our food so that we can eat. He then throws open his eyes, cuts them my way with a look that says, "how dare you interrupt my conversation with the Father," and then utters some nonsense word that sounds like "luh-hi-luh-kehm." This word reminds me of 'Father of the Bride" movie, (second one, I think) when the Iranian (?) guy shuts up his wife and says, "luh-hi-luh-kehm...you no talk while I am talking."
Sam then proceeds to finish his prayer the way he always intended. It was especially comical this morning. As Sam was praying, I peeked at the bigger boys. They were both so sweetly being patient with their eyes closed. But, hilarity of all hilarities, Eli had his head raised to heaven with about 3 inches of banana coming straight up out of his mouth. Now, you can't tell me that God doesn't laugh his head off at stuff like this. I mean, when a kid prays very silently and reverently with a banana coming out of his mouth like a giant cigar, that is something to chuckle about.
Oh, and we really don't watch moo-bies and tv all day.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Fall Promo!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Weekend Recap
What a rockin' weekend! I flew the coup and headed to Harrison to see my lil' bro, Kirby for the weekend. Mom and Mini met us up there as well! We had a lot to do in the span of three days, but we made it work! First on the list: SHOPPING in Branson! Nothing like a lot of retail therapy. Can I get a hoot-hoot for not one, not two, but three pairs of jeans that fit! Three pairs for under $80 total! Double hoot-hoot!
Next on the list: eating at Lambert's north of Branson. A few rolls, cucumbers and onions, fried okra, black eyed peas, roast, mashed potatoes/gravy, sweet tea, and pineapple cool whip salad later, I rolled on out of there myself. But only after witnessing my sister sing at the top of her lungs in the bathroom.
Next day: decorate Kirby's new house! He has an adorable new man-cave that he is renting! (Kim...it is only 1 street over from your old house there!) Mom loaded him up with amazing decor and we turned his man-cave into a cozy little home!
That night: "Tenth Avenue North" concert! They are awesome! Awesome lyrics, awesome singers, awesome hearts for God! Let's just say they are on a mission to spread the word that salvation and being a Christian is all about grace!
Later that night: Taco Bell. Whew, thank goodness something was open in that city at that hour! Have you ever tried the Fruitista Pina Coladas there? You should. mmmm.
Next day: visit Kirby's church where he is the youth director. (Dad even drove in!) Kirby happened to be leading worship as well, so I joined him! It was great fun to sing with him. He has taught himself to play guitar and it is coming in handy. Someday, we will be famous. Or not.
At lunch: Mom brought in the stuff to make "Mama Z's" spaghetti and salad. If you are ever in the huge town of Tontitown, you MUST eat there. Simply must.
After lunch: Ate petit-fours (or however you spell those cutesie ittie bittie bite size cakes) to celebrate Mom's birthday which is tomorrow!! Thank you, Amelia, for picking them out and sharing with us!
After that: Kirby and Dad fixed the garage door opener. Check out Kirb below in his new converse and straight leg jeans and black shirt on top of the 4 wheeler. I just want to break out in "Grease Lightning."
Last pic: Amelia so sad that I had to go back home. (or just a small photo shoot and the best pouty face ever.)
The weekend was a total blast! Everyone was in a giggly mood, so most of the time, we were either bowled over in laughter or snorting (that would be me), or crying from the laughter!
Tenth Ave. North!
Next on the list: eating at Lambert's north of Branson. A few rolls, cucumbers and onions, fried okra, black eyed peas, roast, mashed potatoes/gravy, sweet tea, and pineapple cool whip salad later, I rolled on out of there myself. But only after witnessing my sister sing at the top of her lungs in the bathroom.
Next day: decorate Kirby's new house! He has an adorable new man-cave that he is renting! (Kim...it is only 1 street over from your old house there!) Mom loaded him up with amazing decor and we turned his man-cave into a cozy little home!
That night: "Tenth Avenue North" concert! They are awesome! Awesome lyrics, awesome singers, awesome hearts for God! Let's just say they are on a mission to spread the word that salvation and being a Christian is all about grace!
Later that night: Taco Bell. Whew, thank goodness something was open in that city at that hour! Have you ever tried the Fruitista Pina Coladas there? You should. mmmm.
Next day: visit Kirby's church where he is the youth director. (Dad even drove in!) Kirby happened to be leading worship as well, so I joined him! It was great fun to sing with him. He has taught himself to play guitar and it is coming in handy. Someday, we will be famous. Or not.
At lunch: Mom brought in the stuff to make "Mama Z's" spaghetti and salad. If you are ever in the huge town of Tontitown, you MUST eat there. Simply must.
After lunch: Ate petit-fours (or however you spell those cutesie ittie bittie bite size cakes) to celebrate Mom's birthday which is tomorrow!! Thank you, Amelia, for picking them out and sharing with us!
After that: Kirby and Dad fixed the garage door opener. Check out Kirb below in his new converse and straight leg jeans and black shirt on top of the 4 wheeler. I just want to break out in "Grease Lightning."
Last pic: Amelia so sad that I had to go back home. (or just a small photo shoot and the best pouty face ever.)
The weekend was a total blast! Everyone was in a giggly mood, so most of the time, we were either bowled over in laughter or snorting (that would be me), or crying from the laughter!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Testament Focused
1 Samuel 13:6 "When the men of Israel saw that their situation was critical and that their army was hard pressed, they hid in caves and thickets, among the rocks, and in pits and cisterns." (thank you to everyone for the great ideas on this picture!!)
"Head High"
Luke 21:28 "When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near."
1 Samuel 13:6 "When the men of Israel saw that their situation was critical and that their army was hard pressed, they hid in caves and thickets, among the rocks, and in pits and cisterns." (thank you to everyone for the great ideas on this picture!!)

Luke 21:28 "When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near."
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Banana Chocolate Chip Bread

Here is the recipe:
1 1/2 cups unbleached or all-purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/2 cup sugar
2 egg whites (I just used eggs)
1/2 cup fat-free vanilla yogurt
2 Tablespoons butter, melted
3 large ripe bananas
1/2 cup mini semisweet chocolate morsels
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Coat an 8x4 loaf pan with nonstick spray.
In a medium bowl, combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon.
In a large bowl, with an electric mixer, beat sugar and egg whites until light and fluffy. Blend in yogurt and butter. Mash bananas with a fork and stir into yogurt mixture. Stir in flour mixture. Fold in chocolate chips. Pour into the prepared pan.
Bake 50-55 minutes, or til a wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean.
Remove from the oven. Cool 10 mintues in the pan on a rack. Remove from the pan and cool completely.
You should smell this stuff baking! Oh, my, delish! The taste is amazing; I was totally surprised at how moist it was.
If you want to see an adorable back to school cake, look at the one Kim whipped up yesterday!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
They're Off! (and a happy birthday.)
I just sent off a third grader and a first grader. They are so excited. Cade is ready to get back to arithmetic (his words,) and Eli is ready to see his buddy, Ethan. I am ready to have a little more time to invest in Sam. I told the boys I would be 'homeschooling' Sam this year to get him ready for preschool next year. They are so ecstatic and were giving me all kinds of ideas. I haven't told Sam that yet. He may be of a different opinion. He is such a hands-on kind of fella; I just need to get more creative.

And a sweet note for my beloved Kiley.
It is your birthday! You are 26 today! By the time I was 26, I had experienced things on this earth that you never had. Marriage and babies being the more obvious ones. By the time you were 26, you had experienced things in Heaven that I never have. What is it like to have no hindrance of sin attached to your soul? What are the colors and landscape like? What does it feel like to actually be in the complete presence of our Lord? What is your favorite part about the whole thing? Do you miss us, or are you so enthralled with your Redeemer that you know we are only a heartbeat away?
The boys and I sang "Happy Birthday" to you this morning at breakfast. Cade wanted to know if I had the phone number for Heaven so that he could call you. He knows Heaven is just as real as this place and that you are alive! I still haven't deleted your name and number from my cell phone. Something in me wants to believe that you just might pick up someday...even if that number has been disconnected.
I still have the urge to call you at times. There are some answers to questions that I immediately think, "Kiley would know that." But, then reality sneaks back in and I once again have to revert to that four letter word called hope.
I love you, my friend and sister. I miss you. I celebrate your life with you. I hope God gives you an amazing party.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Family fun (?)
Our church had a back to school bash yesterday. They reel you in with statements like 'water games for the kids,' and then break out the shaving cream and chocolate pudding. It was great (messy) family fun!
I am going to start calling Jana "Pippi Longstocking."
Friday, August 14, 2009
An Evening With Chris Tomlin
When Andrew Watson, the founder of Soaring Wings Ranch called me earlier this week to see if I could take some shots of the Chris Tomlin Benefit Concert, I responded with a "sure, I would love to." After I got off the phone, I started jumping up and down like a little school girl! What an adventure!
The meet and greet/photo time prior to the concert was precious. Each child at the Ranch got to take his/her pic with Chris. Chris was so kind to come do this benefit for the kiddos...I am so excited about the exposure the Ranch received as a result!
The concert itself was amazing. Chris has such a gift of leading worship during his concerts...pointing all the glory to Christ and not himself. It was such a precious, unified outpouring of hearts to One Savior. My favorite part was when he sang the chorus of "How Great is Our God" in different languages. (Kelli--he even sang it in Russian!) I love it when I am reminded that people of every tribe and nation will be represented in Heaven, worshiping the same God who made us all.

The meet and greet/photo time prior to the concert was precious. Each child at the Ranch got to take his/her pic with Chris. Chris was so kind to come do this benefit for the kiddos...I am so excited about the exposure the Ranch received as a result!
The concert itself was amazing. Chris has such a gift of leading worship during his concerts...pointing all the glory to Christ and not himself. It was such a precious, unified outpouring of hearts to One Savior. My favorite part was when he sang the chorus of "How Great is Our God" in different languages. (Kelli--he even sang it in Russian!) I love it when I am reminded that people of every tribe and nation will be represented in Heaven, worshiping the same God who made us all.
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