Friday, January 15, 2010

The Sad Friday

It is so sad around here. I got a call from the school at 10:30 saying Cade was throwing up. Sam and I go pick him up, only to find him all alone in the boy's bathroom, throwing up. It is sad to throw up all by yourself. And by the way, boy bathrooms smell really bad.

So, we grabbed a sack and ushered him to the door where he could throw up in the car as we sped him home to the pearly throne. And now, he is asleep by that throne on his comfy pallet.
And our bathroom doesn't smell.

The really sad thing is this: Eli was going to have his very first sleepover birthday party tonight with 3 friends coming. He doesn't know it yet, but the cancellation of his party is going to make him very sad indeed!

And here is something else sad! Eric's computer got hacked into by some major virus...escaped all the antivirus stuff and everything. The cost of fixing that is sad, too.

But, the sun is shining and it does feel almost warm out there today. That makes me happy. What makes you happy today?


blessedpath said...

oh, that is sad, first of all to be by yourself sick, and Eli's party. hope your day improves over there.:)

Amelia said...

I have a wonderful, talented, beautiful, smart, and amazing sister.... That makes me happy! (Yes.. You!)

Nic said...

Bless his ever lovin heart! Hope he feels better and the rest of the clan doesn't get it!

Jenny said...

I'm SO sorry he's sick!!! I hate that for him.. I hope he feels better really soon and no one else gets sick!

Anonymous said...

oh how sad! It's late Friday and i just read this post. I'm so sorry Cade got a nasty tummy bug and I just hurt for Eli. I know how disappointed he must have been. At least you can reschedule.

I think Eli was a beautiful BIG baby boy! And just "couldn't" be any cuter now.

Cassie said... said...

that all sucks!

Kelli said...

Ah, I'm sad for you all too. Did Eli survive his disappointment? and how is Cade feeling. I hope the rest of you don't get it!

Little Oak Table said...

oh becke', that is the most heartbreaking thing. poor, sweet cade. the mama in me can hardly take the fact that he was sick in the bathroom at school by himself. sweet thing, i'm glad he's doing better :).