The four year old is in love. His new passion is reading Dumbo. Countless times. We read almost everyday before he goes down for a nap and he always chooses Dumbo. He won't deviate. This has gone on for weeks. I asked him if we could read something different today. I even said "Pretty please, with a cherry on top." (Which is his charming brother's new way of getting what he wants.) He didn't oblige. So, Dumbo it was.

It always cracks me up when we get to this page because Sam says, "There's EI." I correct him and tell him it is Timothy the circus mouse. He shakes his head adamantly and tells me it is EI. I tell him, "say, Eli." He says, "E-Liiiii." And then shakes his head and says, "No, it is EI." I wonder if he will always call him that. It may be kind of sad if he ever switches over. I wonder how Eli feels about being a circus mouse. Probably loves the idea.

Here is the new project that encompasses the big boys' time. They even wake up earlier in the morning to work on it. They have dubbed it "puzzle frenzy." Currently there are 4 puzzles completed and one in the works. Most of them have between 300-500 pieces each. I am holding my breath praying that they don't all fall down (by an unnamed lil' fella) and get mixed all together. The big guys thought it would be fun to decorate my table in this manner. I guess
fun is the right word for that.

I am sore. Yes, I am. There are aching muscles in my neck and back that I didn't even know existed. This P90x workout stuff is something else. My fridge is stocked up with greek yogurt and protein drinks. My pantry now has diet Mt. Dew because this girl is tired and needs a caffeinated pick me up.
right now, in fact. toodles!
I'm slapping some real butter and heavy whipping cream on those bones tommorow night. Heh heh heh.
Caffeine is great anytime.
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