Monday, July 26, 2010

I am buried over here...

up to my neck. help. come rescue me!

I decided that I would try out a twice yearly consignment sale (is that biannual or semiannual?) and I am absolutely buried over here. It all started a weekend or two (I have lost all sense of time) ago when Eric and I cleaned out the garage. I told him that I was going to be a big girl and sort through every item of the boys' clothing that I have been hanging onto for like, ummm, a decade. So, I put my big girl panties on and got er' done. I don't think I ever cried, but it is hard to say for certain due to the sweat that was dropping off my face.

Some pieces of clothing took me straight back in time to a certain emotion or event. I will tell ya, some of those pieces went right back into the tub to save for their children. You know, it had nothing to do with me. ahem.

In the end, I was a good girl and condensed to a few bins of clothes instead of like 10 or so. Eric will probably say it was more than that, but don't believe a word he says.

So, my time has gone into washing, ironing, tagging, entering into the computer, going thru toys and DVDs, and pinning pinning pinning. Oh, my word, I have never gone thru so many safety pins in my entire life.

I have 150 items already entered. And dad gum, it better be worth my time! Because, I assure you, sometimes I just want to call freecycle just to get this mess out of my house. I am telling you, we have three closets (that were already quite packed) FULL of clothes that must be hung up but can't be taken in for the sale for another few weeks. sigh. We shall survive.

If we go missing, just come look under the piles...and set us free! :)

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