Lay it Down
My sweet baby girl is six months old. And for the last six months, I have rocked her to sleep every. single. night. It's partly because before she was born, I dreamed and hungered and longed for another sweet baby to rock for so long, and now that dream is fulfilled. It's also because she is the most precious thing ever and our time spent rocking together is so precious as well. And then there's the fact that our babies grow up too fast and you have to take every opportunity to snuggle them up while they will still let you. But I digress.
At her six month check-up, our pediatrician asked about her sleeping. I said she slept pretty good, which she does. He inquired about how we put her down to sleep. I knew he was NOT going to like the fact that I rocked her to sleep, so I stumbled and muttered something about rocking her to make sure she was drowsy, but I knew immediately what he was about to say.
"She'll learn to be a better sleeper if you let her put herself to sleep. Put her down awake and let her fall asleep on her own. You'll be glad you did, and so will she."
So, little by little, I've started putting her in her bed without rocking her. (Much- ha!) She does not like this one bit. Turns out, she loves the rocking as much as me because when I put her down in her bed she usually cries, raises up her head, and looks up at me with a helpless "Why would you do this to me?" kind of look.
She immediately rolls onto her tummy and cranes her neck up to look at me. (We've nicknamed this the "turtle" pose.) She lifts her head as high as she can in defiance and cries out in protest.
She will NOT lay her head down.
I pat her back and stroke her hair. I sing songs and talk softly to her. I turn on her "crib music" and try the pacifier. But no matter what, she will not lay her head down.
I know that if she does, as soon as she does, she will feel the comfort and relaxation of her head laying on the mattress, and be able to go to sleep. It is so frustrating to know this and not be able to convince her. She will not lay her head down.
Eventually, after much soothing on my part and much crying on her part, she gives in a little and allows me to gently guide her head down to the mattress. And almost immediately, she calms. It is amazing to watch her little eyes drift closed and see her breathe in deep to catch her breath as her head rests on the bed and her body relaxes.
Once she lays down her head, she is able to sleep. But she has to lay her head down, which most of the time she refuses to do, at least not without a fight.
The other night she woke up in the middle of the night and I was trying to get her back to sleep. That "turtle" head was extra stubborn, and I was so tired and ready to go back to sleep myself. I stood there beside her crib with my hand on her head whispering "Lay your head down, sweet girl. Just lay it down. You're okay. Mommy's here. Just lay that head down. Lay it down." And all of a sudden God brought these words to mind.
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28)
And for the next several minutes, as I watched my sweet baby girl in her bed, God allowed me to see a picture of myself.
Crying out in frustration. Screaming in protest. Worrying myself into a frenzy. Thinking if I fought hard enough and kept my head up long enough I could change my circumstances. When all along, if I would just lay my head down, rest would come. Answers might come. Peace would come.
I wonder how many minutes God spends standing beside me, watching me, comforting me, and pleading with me to "Lay it down. Lay your head down sweet girl. Just lay it down."
"You're okay...I'm here...Just lay your head down."
But just like my precious daughter, it seems to always take me a while to give in. The learning process is hard and doesn't feel good at the time. But neither of us are alone as we struggle. And when we finally do lay our heads down, the comfort that envelops us provides that sweet rest we have been crying out for all along.

Beautiful written! I love how we find ourselves seeing things in our children that God is trying to get us to see in ourselves. Thank you for sharing with us Heather!!
Awesome! So true! No wonder I am so tired at times, if I would just lay it all down before Him...thanks for the story and the reminder that He is always there loving us!
Thanks so much for giving me this opportunity, Becke'! As I read this again, it still tenders my heart and this may be my favorite thing I have written!! :)
Hope you are WARM on this cold day!! Thanks again!
I love Heather and I love this post. I find myself in tears while reading it...exactly what I needed today. Thank you!
I follow Heather's blog so I stopped in to read it. What a great post. Thanks!
Love this, love everything about this!!
Great post. What a beautiful picture you painted that's so easy for us all to idntify with. Thanks for sharing Heather!
Love your guest readers, Becke! What a neat idea to come up with! Heather writes so beautifully, doesn't she?
Great writing Heather!!!! Great words of wisdom!
Very inspirational, Heather. Touching to remember all we have to do is lay our heads down and let God take control.
That was a great post. Can I make a link of it to my blog.
I found your blog through another that I read and it had your post as a post. What a beautiful portrait of us and our relationship with Christ! Such a sweet reminder. I needed this! Thanks for your honesty! And hang in there...the sleep will come. I did everything "wrong" in the eyes of the doctors and after breaking a few bad habits my little one just started sleeping through the took almost ten months but we did it!
saw your blog post from a friend of mine's blog. so true...and it made me think of something beth moore said at one of her conferences years ago about laying your head down in God's lap and resting. she had a friend come to the stage and she used her for a visual and it was very powerful.
i do want to say that i have rocked all 3 of my children. the first 2 boys not as much because they were not necessarily the lovey type, but our third (a girl) we rocked EVERY night. i do NOT regret one minute of it. not only did we rock her to sleep but i rocked her during the day just to rock and read or sing or whatever. now a days we lay with her while she goes to sleep (she's 8) and sing and pray and talk and we treasure every minute. she goes to sleep just fine and i'm sure when she's 16 she is not going to want mom or dad laying with her in her bed. they grow up way too fast to worry about a doctor's opinion on how to put them to sleep. you rock that baby if you want to!!
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