I guess he was feeling rotten, because he crawled into bed with us. The kid practically sleeps on top of me when he is in our bed. I am one who likes my space, not a space heater. So, I got to hear the sound of sawing logs in my ear all. night. long.
This morning, I proceeded to place him in front of "Mr. Roger's neighborhood" which was on tv. I just loved that show. I have awesome memories of watching it at my Nana and Grandad's. But, Sam didn't share the same enthusiasm, and proceeded to go don his cowboy hat and pistol. He then kept shooting at me, which was his way of saying I better change the channel or it would be the death of me. Such a nice kid I have raised.
Well, Eli was his saving grace. (He is home because he said his ear was hurting in the middle of the night...and he crawled into bed with us, as well....) Eli managed to turn on a show about animals and all is well in boyland. (Funny to me that spellchecker says "boyland" isn't a word. I whole-heartedly disagree.)
I hate missing church, but occasionally it is nice to have a few hours that you never can expect to have on Sundays. If I am a good girl, I will exercise, read the Word, and cook an amazing lunch. (ha)
I have my first "senior" photo session today and am so excited that the sun is out!
Can you recommend to me your favorite book/author?
Thanks and have a nice day. :)
Oh, and I have a fab guest writer lined up for tomorrow!!!
How adorable is that pic, LOVE IT!! Sorry you all are under the weather, we have a cold in our house too! Feel better soon.
Favorite book: A Severe Mercy by Sheldon Vanauken. Amazing. You have to read it if you haven't yet.
And Becke' I would love to guest write! Just give me a date and I can be working on something! Wow, what an affirmation for me!
Christian - Francine Rivers...redeeming love...the best book ever. The Lion Heart Series is 2nd
Non-C - The Host, The Road & Under the Dome
Missed you in class today. I happened to be the only girl. Normally, that wouldn't have bothered me, but the subject matter was a little uncomfortable.
I'm sorry your boys weren't feeling well, though.
You questioned favorite book/author. That reminded me that I've talked to Kim Jones about the lit 'n latte group. Instead of everybody reading the same book, I think it would be better if we read a book that we're interested in and then share with others. They might be interested too. Would you be interested in a group like that? Just curious, really.
Well, I'll talk to you soon.
Tanya Reddin
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