Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall when his girlfriend jumped onto his back. And then his shoulder jumped out of socket. (For the 12th time.)

This would be the highlight of my Labor Day Weekend. I thought it was going to be a pretty drab and labor-full day as I cleaned two houses. And then, my brother decided to make my day a little brighter by paying us all a visit. He called when he was 45 minutes away to tell us he and Jen were headed our way...that is a good warning for Kirby.

Dinner in crockpot. Check. House clean. Check. God was sure gracious!

And so we feasted on Italian Roast Beef Sandwiches, Doritoes, and Derby Pie. Tasty meal! And then, the "kids" went out to play baseball and I proceeded to cheer and get eaten alive by our AR state bird, the mosquito.

The 6 foot tall, naturally beautiful Jennifer decided to make it to second base by jumping onto Kirby's back and then diving onto the base. Great idea...until Kirby's shoulder got involved....and that makes it the twelfth time it has dislocated.

We thought we could do as Kirb instructed...so I jammed my foot into his armpit and pulled for all I was worth. He didn't like that so much, so I pulled a little gentler. Then we twisted the wrist, then Jen tried, then Eric tried, and then Cade thought he wanted to try but I shooed him away.

All the while, Sam is playing "doctor" with Kirby's watch that I had taken off, thinking it might be easier to pull his arm without a watch...I was wrong. Anyhoo, Sam laid the watch on Kirby's arm and then his forehead, trying to get an accurate reading, or heal the man, or whatever it is that was going through his head at the time. It provided me some great laughter...I don't know about his uncle, though.

We ended up calling Michelle, thinking that if anyone could get it back in place, she would be the gal. Problem was, his muscles were so tight by this time that he was going to have to be sedated. So, off to the ER they go...Eric, Kirby, and Jen.

Wish I could have been there for that story telling adventure, but the XRay techs wouldn't help him out of the wheelchair that he had been sitting in for an hour...and his muscles were totally locked up...and well, I think Kirby may have screamed like a girl when he stood up. That is what the spectators are saying, anyway.

Two hours later, they return with slinged-up-shoulder-back-in-place-Kirby who was ready to go home. I entrusted his care to his girlfriend...who would definitely now be driving them back!

A word for my brother:
1. Please have surgery
2. Please don't let this tainted memory keep you from coming back

Lots of love and laughter,
your sis


Kirby said...

I didn't "scream like a girl"..... I yelled like a man! I think to the point that it scared the xray girls too! I quickly apologized to them and sucked it up and got it over with though. And no worries, a shoulder dislocation isn't enough to keep me from coming back!

Anonymous said...

Having been one of the parties to events that occurred I have to say that after the shock of the accident, I have actually laughed somewhat.

Truth be told, my bro-in-law was a trooper and tough as nails; however, for the love of God man - GO HAVE SURGERY!!!!!!!


Little Oak Table said...

hahaha, ahem, i mean i will pray.