Friday, September 10, 2010

Seeking Him With All My Heart

This is a guest post today.

"I am full of joy because I know I am doing God's will here in Honduras. This trip has truly been a blessing in my life and I am thankful God has called me here. I was reading my favorite verse this morning which is Jeremiah 29:11. I always seem to stop at verse 11. But I went further this time (kind of like I need to go further in my walk with Christ.) Verse 12 says "Call upon me and pray to me and I will listen to you." Verse 13 says "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." I think verse 13 is my key verse, not 11. Verse 11 ("For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you") comes by doing verse 13...seeking him with all my heart.

I haven't been seeking Him with all my heart. I've been trying to do my own thing and control things on my own, but I must seek Him with all my heart. Then He will answer and I will know the plans He has for my life. It's all about Him...glorifying Him...and not about me. It's not about me wanting a good job so I can have more stuff. It's not about me finding a guy because it's getting that time. It's about God and what He wants for me and what He wants to do thru me!

God had a purpose for me reading thru Jeremiah. There was a reason that was burdened in my heart for the last month. And yesterday I just happened to be on Chapter 29. And everything fell into place!

I must surrender to Him and not myself. He's calling my whole heart, not the leftovers. I'm ready to move on...and up...closer to Him.

This was written by my sister, Kiley, on her first Mission Trip to Honduras in May of 2004. She had a fervent desire to know God and surrender to Him. Schemes of the enemy seemed to blind her from that reality on her fateful day.

She seemed happiest when she was serving the lowly and downtrodden. Lucky for us, she had chronicled her trip. This is just one excerpt from her experience. There is one line in the journal that keeps jumping out at me: "I am getting so excited, being in Paradise!"

Maybe God knew those words would bring us great comfort one day.


Kim said...

Very touching.

Kelli said...

Wow. That's really neat to read from this perspective. I wonder what it must be like to be fully whole as she is now? Kind of exciting. :) I'm glad you have those pieces of her to cling to.

Unknown said...

Just imagine how exciting it will be to be in the presence of Jesus. If we could only comprehend that.

Jenny said...

WOW... thanks for sharing. Definitely a servant's heart!!