Friday, November 5, 2010

Field Trip

Got to take Eli-man on a field trip to our local historical museum.  I love old stuff.  Quilts make me drool and old baby cradles make me swoon.  I think I was born in the wrong decade.  This first painting was done in 1931...I just love stuff that lasts.

 I love this old man and his old pipe.  I bet he would have some good stories to tell.

 This lady got the joy of telling the kids about sleeping arrangements "back in the day."  When she got to the potty pot/chamber, she asked if anyone knew what it was.  Eli politely raised his hand and replied with..."making brownies?"  Well, um, sort of.  I knew he was a smart one.
It is always good to be reminded of how stinkin' easy life is for us.  Back in the day, they were so sparse with what they used because it took hard work to get anything...they had to dip each candle, chop each piece of wood, and spin all the thread.  Don't you know they valued what they had.  How far we have come...

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