I missed you yesterday. We went to El Acapulco, your favorite restaurant when you lived here in Conway. I had no one to share the fajita nachos with. It made me never want to go back. We also went by one of our rent houses....the one you and Kirby lived in. We finally got new carpet for it and I couldn't bring myself to go inside and look. The place would only make me think of you.
Sam just saw your picture and said, "I wanna go see KiKi." "Let's leave, let's go bye-bye." I told him you were in Heaven. "Heaben?" Yes, Heaben.
I missed you last week. I loved seeing Amelia for a long time, but I felt like I was invading your bed and space. Bruiser is having a hard time functioning without you. I was extra nice to him this trip. You would have been proud of me. Amelia and I could have used someone more decisive around to help us make decisions. Our hearts are missing a big chunk that has your name written all over it.
I miss you every time I get to enjoy a new chick flick.
I miss you being here to tell us girls where to vacation.
I miss you.
Justed wanted you to know we were thinking about you. I wrote the date on my check today and wondered how you were. love ya Michelle and Todd
My heart aches so for you and your family. She was such a rare jewel-I wonder if she knew. Heaven is surely a brighter sweeter place with her there. Sent to you with loving prayers.
I know that there are a lot of tough days still to come. I'm sorry today was one of them. Praying for you still!
Praying for you, girl, that God's presence is real to you and that He'll wrap you up in His love.
Glad to hear you had so much fun on your trip. I sure enjoyed reading about it.
hey girl. oh man. it just rips my heart out. i love you bunches.
Just wanted to you to know that I pray for you and your family often.
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