Friday, July 18, 2008

In Boyland Today...

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow are special days for Cade, Eli, and Sam. They are getting to play with their buds, Collin and Carter Cunningham. Their Mommy and Daddy went to a jewelry convention and we get to play with them! I love to have them over, mainly because I like to listen to Collin talk. He has mastered the southern drawl at the young age of 5. I mean, it makes me jealous! He told me today that he "hasn't ate all week!" And that he has been "skinny since he was born!" My goodness, I guess I better feed the boy! He needs some southern fattening fried food to go with his accent.

Carter is 2 years old and loves to hold as much stuff in his hands as possible as he walks around. It usually includes his Silk (blanket), pluggie (paci), sippy cup, and 6 cars. He has an unhealthy addiction to ketchup and takes 3 and a half hour naps in Sam's bed. He is a keeper! Sam even enjoys him...and he is picky about his playmates.
Tonight will be great as I get to escape Boyland and go out with the girls from our community group. Now, if I could just find the sequined tube top....


blessedpath said...

You crack me up!!!:)

Jenny said...

how fun!!!

make sure and get pics of that sequined tube top!!:)

The Uptons said...

sequined tube top...that's hilarious, hope you have fun out with the girls!

Anonymous said...

Fun, fun! Are you keeping them all that time? How did the night with the girls go? I checked out the Wonder Place. Looks like lots of fun. Let's do that sometime!
This is ridiculous, but I still have to sign anonymously, b/c I don't have a clue what my user name is evidently. :) I told you I'm not technically savvy enough for all this!

Kelli said...

If you find the top, I demand pictures! I reeeaallyyyy wish you guys were here!

Little Oak Table said...

those boys are too funny.