God Gives A Song
I love music. When I was a girl my parents took me to good ole gospel "sangins" (that's singings with a country twang.) The harmony was beautiful, the bass singers could make the floors vibrate, and the words of the songs resonated with truth that touched the strings of my young heart and convicted me of sins I didn't know I even had.
I love music. When I was a girl my parents took me to good ole gospel "sangins" (that's singings with a country twang.) The harmony was beautiful, the bass singers could make the floors vibrate, and the words of the songs resonated with truth that touched the strings of my young heart and convicted me of sins I didn't know I even had.
I sat in church every Sunday and revivals were held several times a year. You didn't miss a night of revival. And tho the preaching did minister to me, it was the songs that reached deep inside of me and made Jesus real to me.
God blessed me with the ability to sing a little myself. I was always in the choir and often asked to sing solos. I even belonged to a Trio. I absolutely loved singing in that trio. I loved how our voices blended. I loved the songs we sang. I loved how the Holy Spirit moved on us when we were rehearsing. I loved watching the people's faces as we sang. You would see many moved to tears. I knew the Holy Spirit was using "song" to speak to them as He did to me.
When Becke', my sweet first born daughter, was around 18 months old I was blessed with time. Our oldest son was in school and Becke' was a wonderful sleeper! So, I would get all of my household chores done and when she went down for her nap, I would dig into the Word. I had a good three hours before it was time to go get my son from school. And I was hungry for everything God had to show me. I read, referenced, and cross referenced. I learned, I was fed and I was excited.
One night, I was really tired, so I went to bed early. The kids were down for the night and my husband was still up watching TV. I stretched out on my bed, got into my "go to sleep position" said a quick prayer and prepared for blissful slumber. Didn't happen. I heard a song start playing in my mind. A song I had never heard before. I tried to ignore it. It would not stop. So, then I paid attention. I started really listening to the song playing in my mind. And all of a sudden it hit me! God was giving me a song!
You must understand, I don't read music, I sing by ear. And I sure never thought of writing songs! I decided I had better get up and sing this song onto a tape recorder so I would not forget it. So, I did...in the laundry room, so as not to disturb anyone. The next day I wrote the words down on a piece of paper, the melody was still fresh in my mind. Hmmmm, what do you want me to do with this Lord? That night, another song...the night after, another. God gave me four songs in four consecutive nights.
Our Pastor's wife could play anything on the piano. She was so gifted. So, I sang her my songs from God. Without any notes, she played melody and harmony to each of my songs. They were beautiful to me. I was able to sing my songs before the church because God had put her in my life to play them for me. God had given me a miracle. God had proved himself real to me in a way I never could never have imagined.
The past two years have been bleak. Full of grief, sorrow, and questions I will never know the answers to this side of heaven. But, still, God gives me songs. Not songs for me to write, but words to songs from the radio or a movie. Lyrics to lift my spirit and remind me that He knows my pain, he feels my sorrow, he hears my prayers.
One day at work out of the clear blue the song from Titanic, "My Heart Will Go On" started playing in my mind:
Far across the distance
And spaces between us
You have come to show you go on.
Thank you God, for telling me my daughter goes on..
Don't be mad if I cry
It just hurts so bad sometimes
'Cause everyday it's sinking in
And I have to say goodbye all over again
You know I bet it feels good to have the weight of this world off your shoulders now
I'm dreaming of the day when I'm finally there with you
I have asked the question why
But I guess the answer's for another time
So instead I'll pray with every tear
And be thankful for the time I had you here
And I wanna live my life just like you did
Make the most of my time just like you did
And I wanna make my home up in the sky
Just like you did
Oh, but until I get there
Until I get there
Save a place for me.
Matthew West's, "Save A Place For Me"
No explanation needed for the words to that song, but God brought it to my mind one day just when I needed it.
Becke' asked me to be a guest writer on her blog. I have balked at the idea. Then this morning, while I was getting ready for work, this old hymn started playing in my mind. I knew instantly what God was telling me to do. Write this all down as a guest writer on Becke's blog. Give Him glory!
"There's within my heart a melody Jesus whispers sweet and low.
Fear not, I am with thee, peace, be still, in all of life's ebb and flow.
Though sometimes he leads through waters deep, trials fall across the way,
though sometimes the path seems rough and steep, see his footprints all the way.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, sweetest name I know, fills my every longing, keeps me singing as I go."
Thank you God, you ARE the song of my heart.
I LOVE this post Debbie. Now I see where Becke' gets her deep love of studying Scripture.
This is a sweet season for me too, the afternoons of napping boys that I can read and read and read. Nothing better.
So, we want to hear your songs!!!
Thank you for sharing your mom with us today, Becke'. Boy, you are one apple that indeed did not fall far from the tree!! Yes, I too want to hear the songs that the Lord gave you....how amazing they must be!! Thank you for sharing today Debbie! Carol
Debbie! I grew up going to sangings too...and although the church I grew up in wasn't the best example of the love of Christ, I could feel him in the music. I still get chills when I hear certain songs (and I was that little girl crying when the woman who sang specials in my church belted it out) I can't sing very well myself, but my most favorite thing is to sing to Jesus at the top of my lungs when my husband's gone.
Thank you for sharing. It has been a joy getting to know Becke over the past year in community group, and it is a blessing to witness you both rest in the Lord even in the storm.
So inspirational, to see you two rely so heavily on the Lord. Glad you decided to share with us.
I loves you sooooo much Deb!! I pray for those songs in your heart and that they remind you that you are loved and bring you peace.
Big Big Big Hugs...the biggest EVER!
Beautiful, beautiful post! Great to get a glimpse of the lady who I've prayed for over the past two years.
A Beautiful post from a Beautiful Mommy! I LU
Yes, it's easy to see where Becke's sense of God's glory and appreciation for His word come from. You are both beautiful women outside and in. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing today, Debbie. As has been already stated - Becke' is clearly much like you - and not only in looks. :)
I love your mom.
I'm just now reading this post. I did not know about your songs from the Lord. What a gift! I have enjoyed the CD you and the kids made. Are any of the songs on that? Thanks for another glimpse into why Becke' is so special to us.
Love You,
Debbie thanks for sharing your heart and your sweet spirit. It is amazing how music can speak to our souls like nothing else. Becke has a precious soul and I see where she gets it.
Debbie, thanks for sharing. I'd love to hear your songs from the Lord. Becke' I think it is so neat you have guest writers and I was hoping you'd ask your Mom. Love you both, DEB E.
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