Abba’s Delight
Ever have “thinker’s block”? It is similar to writer’s block. However, in reality it proceeds writer’s block in that you have to be thinking of something in order to write. Otherwise, you ramble with no meaning, searching and hoping that as you type some thoughts come to mind. Often this can lead to blog articles that appear idiotic and amateurish in nature, kind of like how this is starting…..
For those who know me, the idea that I am not thinking about anything is probably a shock. I seem to always be in thought, but here lately, I found my thinking has been removed – and for me that is a scary thing. I feel totally naked and vulnerable, because honestly, I have placed a great deal of pride in my ability to think and think quickly for that matter.
It has been so bad lately that Beck told me a week ago Friday, “Hun, you are my guest writer for February 15th. Are you ready?” My response, “can I have another week?” Well as of Sunday, February 21, 2010, 8:15 pm here I sit and I got nothing.
Being stripped of identity is really quite difficult. I have a friend that uses the phrase “peeling back the layers of an onion” quite often as we discuss business projects. He is referring to how you have to keep pulling layers off to eventually get to the heart or reality of the matter. What I find ironic is that it seems the Lord does the very same thing. It is additionally ironic that as you actually peel an onion it brings tears to your eyes. Have you found the stripping of the onion layers of your life to be accompanied by tears?
Deviating from the narcissistic nature of the first four paragraphs, I would like to share with you a story from my favorite book, Abba’s Child by Brennan Manning. If I could describe the book in a simple phrase it would be: discovering and living in the reality of our true identity – we are Abba’s child.
In Chapter four, Manning is laying out his premise and argument that we are Abba’s child, and he starts with the theme of tenderness. That God is tender towards us. Manning states, “Tenderness awakens within the security of knowing we are thoroughly and sincerely liked by someone.” He then goes on to build this point with the following story:
“Years ago, I related a story about a priest from Detroit named Edward Farrell who went on his two week summer vacation to Ireland. His one living uncle was about to celebrate his eightieth birthday. On the great day, the priest and his uncle got up before dawn and dressed in silence. They took a walk along the shores of Lake Killarney and stopped to watch the sunrise. Standing side by side with not a word exchanged and staring straight at the rising sun. Suddenly the uncle turned and went skipping down the road. He was radiant, beaming, smiling from ear to ear.
His nephew said, “Uncle Seamus, you really look happy.”
“I am, lad.”
“Want to tell me why?”
His eighty year old uncle replied, “Yes, you see, my Abba is very fond of me.”
If I could leave you with an encouraging thought, it would be this. Take heart and rest in the truth that your Abba is very fond of you. He delights in you. He sings over you. He weeps when we are distant and stands looking on the horizon for our return. He seeks to be with you. He pursues you, longing for you to experience His tenderness as his child. Where the world’s system requires you to be something you can never be, your Abba’s way is living in the present truth that you are His beloved child.
If you have never encountered the One who has redeemed and restored us to our Abba, please let me or someone else know, so that we might share with you the Great Story of Jesus Christ!
As I read this my heart was overflowing . Spiritual vision is our capacity to see what God wants us to do, and to see the world from His point of view. I love you very much, needless to say ,I'm proud of you.
Great post Eric!
Good Eric! I think we all need to hear that the Father is tender towards us. Thanks for sharing. I needed that today.
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