Come on, David Cook! You are gonna break my heart if you don't win. My Aussie already let me down, now it is your time to shine. Win, or I may not buy your album. (Or, I might.) Only a couple more hours til the results. I even voted for you last night. My first time to vote for Idol EVER. And it wasn't just once, either. I can't say how many times, because my Mother-in-law who loves Archuleta will get on to me. So, come on, Cook...
YYEEAAHHHHH!!! I'm sooo glad he won. I didn't want Archuleta to win. This was a great way to end a kind of boring AI year. Go Cook!
Becke'--You didn't tell me you voted more than once!!!!!!I only got to vote once. His line was always busy so I thought for sure he was going to win. What do I know. That's 2 losses in 2 days! Bummer!!!!
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