Monday, July 13, 2009


I remember the story of Beth Moore being in a forest screaming "Delight, Lord, Delight!" She was begging Him to show Himself in a way that would leave her filled with joy and awe at His presence and power. If I remember correctly, He delighted her that day by placing her within inches of a baby bear. I am sure she screamed, "Delight" all the way out of that forest as quickly as possible lest she run into Mama Bear.

I occasionally try this. I go into a place full of His creativity and ask him to knock my socks off with His glory. I tried it again last night. Savannah and I were strolling through the neighborhood and park. On the way home, after uttering to be delighted, I looked into the clouds. I found the shape of a heart quite easily. Not really sure of what to do with it, I asked Him...he told me to keep looking. There, entwined with the first heart was another heart. Jesus whispered that our hearts were forever entwined, thanks to His blood. You see, I think our Jesus likes to woo us and wow us and even delight us. He offers glimpses of His glory and we fall head over heels all over again.

The other day, a friend and I were discussing how God speaks. Well, that is just it with God, He can do it however He chooses! As you are praying, He may whisper something in the inner parts of your soul. While reading the Word, you may have a certain scripture jump off the page as if it were written for only you and only your circumstance. While talking with a Godly person, the person may offer such prophetic advice that you wonder if God himself was speaking through the person just like he spoke through a donkey in the Old Testament. In your daily circumstances, only one door out of a possible 29 may open and allow you to walk through.

Thanks to Jesus and His work on the cross, once redeemed, we are the sheep of His pasture. John 10:27 says, "My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me." We don't live in an age where we have been forgotten. We are his sheep and he is still guiding and directing us. He still speaks today!

As I have tossed around this topic, I couldn't help but think that as God wires us differently and gives us different giftings and propensities, He uses those traits and propensities as ways to individually speak to us. For example, I love the written word. I love allegory and deciphering meaning into stories. I love word studies and seeing what the root of the word might mean. It would be no surprise that I hear God speak best through His written word. And the more I read it, the more I crave Him.

Eric is a very thoughtful person. 'Thoughtful' as in ideas are constantly stewing around in his wise brain. He would tell you that God speaks to Him best when He is pondering God and who He is. Pondering the state of our nation. Pondering our family's best interests. He ponders. God speaks. The more he ponders Christ, the more he craves Christ.

Some may hear Christ best while in a complete state of musically inspired worship. Casting off this world and seeing Christ in His glory allows them to realize this world is not all there is. They worship through song, hear his voice, and crave Him more and more, longing for Him to come back soon.

Still others may enter the sanctuary of nature to best hear their Savior's still small voice. He is the creator of all. Seeing His glory manifest in newborn calves and large yellow sunflowers may best allow their hearts to explode with gratefulness. As they are thankful, the Lord whispers His love over them. And they crave the day when they will see a new heaven and a new earth, free from the entanglements of sin.

He still speaks. He is crazy about you. He wants to show you His glory. "Delight, Lord, Delight!!"


Michelle said...

Did Beth Moore just hijack you blog? My goodness that is an inspiring word! After a long Monday, that made my heart smile. Ever thought about writing a Bible study?

Becky Lockett said...

Michelle stole my line... I've always thought you should write a bible study. Such a talented and beautiful lady!!!