Saturday, July 25, 2009

Downtown Bloopers

Because sometimes the goofy pictures are the cutest pictures! Can I smile with my tongue? That might be cute.
Was this the kind of expression you were looking for, Mom?
Just a little brotherly bunny ears. Haven't you ever wondered how this kind of thing gets passed down from generation to generation? It isn't like I go around putting up bunny ears on my siblings during a pic...well, not that they know of, anyway.
Enough already!
Looking in gutter holes is much more entertaining than smiling for Mom.
They are running away from the UPS Truck that is chasing us down the alley. Photography can be dangerous!

Come on, little guy! You know you want to smile with us!


Kirby said...

I love the one of Sam looking in the gutter hole. I just get the visual image of "Seek" for you Testament Focus.

Deuteronomy 4:29 - "But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will fid him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul."

I'm sure there are a lot more verses involving "Seek" but this one is probably my favorite, or at least the one that popped in my head as soon as I saw the picture.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures, and great captions!

Three Against One said...

Very cute pics, looks like your guys are about as happy and cooperative as my two little ones when they see the camera coming. If they would only figure out that the torcher would stop if they would just cooperate for the first couple shots.

In His Army said...

They are so precious! I got your letter in the mail. I'm praying about the level to be involved and I am really excited!