Friday, April 18, 2008


Eric and I bought our home from his Grandmother 5 years ago! Time goes so fast. His Grandaddy did an amazing job in the back yard...beautifying it with azaleas, camellia trees, sansanquas, and even a gardenia bush. There isn't a whole lot of rhyme or reason to the layout, but it sure is pretty when things are blooming. I think God really is amazing to have given me this backyard. I know absolutely nothing about gardening or landscaping and yet there it was...all ready for me to enjoy when we moved in. I know we haven't done all that we could to keep things up back there, but it never fails...the flowers come back year after year. It kind of reminds me of the faithfulness of God. We may stray for a bit or not really know how to love him the way He deserves, but there He is, coming back to us season after season...full of beauty and grace. Happy Spring to you and yours!

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