Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Backyard Fun and Parenting at McDonald's

My friend Brittney told me I am addicted to blogging and I might need psychiatric help. I think she is right. I really do like posting things...kind of like online scrapbooking except my out of town family can see things the very day they happen. How cool is that? Whew, I talked myself out of spending thousands on a counselor! We got to play in the backyard for a long time this afternoon. Eli is now able to throw Cade the baseball which makes my "photographer" job much more fun and relaxing. The weather was perfect...80's and not a drop of humidity. Oh, better enjoy it and be thankful for it while we can!
Afterwards, I loaded them up for a surprise trip to McDonald's. Eric was out of town, so we got to splurge on chicken nuggets and no dishes to clean up. Every once in awhile I like to let the kids do something that I really would rather not do. Something that stretches me as a Mom and allows them to be kids. So, we sat outside in the little outside area at McDonald's. You are probably thinking that this is really not that big of a deal, but you are wrong. The wind was going CRAZY, and we spent most of our time chasing bags across the ground. Of course, the boys were outside and they were acting like it instead of acting like they were at a restaurant. (Does eating outside at Mickey D's qualify at being at a restaurant? Do the same inside restaurant rules apply?) Is it wrong when your almost 8 year old shoves an apple wedge horizontally in his mouth and gets down in a football stance and yells, "down, set, hut!!" (Smiling to show off his mouthpiece.) (All of this was taking place to the background 80's music from the restaurant across the street. You know, songs like "We didn't start the Fire" and "I am an angel.") After getting up again after being instructed to sit still, he got Webkins taken away for the day. I really want to be a Mom who laughs with and enjoys her children, but I also want them to be disciplined and obedient. That is the struggle I am living with. I don't want to live my life constantly instructing them. I had an idea while sitting eating my grilled chicken over a bed of semi-green lettuce leaves. Sometime I am going to purposefully go into a restaurant or other public place and instruct Cade and Eli that I will not tell them how to behave during the episode. They will be expected to act the way they know is right. (I will only intervene if they are in danger.) They will be forewarned that there will be consequences if they are out of control. I will not offer a reward beforehand because that is bribery. (Usually my kids are very good; I don't want readers to think I have little hellions.) Is this a legalistic approach? I am just tired of feeling like I constantly instruct them. I think I am being overly-anxious about this because Eric has been out of town all week and I am tired-of-parenting-alone.
I will be flat out honest here. I think sometimes I am consumed that my family do everything right and look right doing it. Could that possibly be pride? I don't want to live in anxiety of maintaining an image of a "good family." I just want us to live a life of joy and peace, offering grace and love to those in need. I am not saying we need Joy and no discipline. I think they have to go hand in hand. I just pray the Holy Spirit produces the fruit of joy more and more through my life as I Mother these boys. What are your thoughts?


Kelli said...

You have spoken exactly as I'm feeling, only with much more grace. Thanks for the post. I hear you sister! Lee's out of town and I feel like every other word out of my mouth is "no," don't," or "stop." Love you! And you are a great mom with great kids!

Anonymous said...

Blogging is GREEEEAT!!
I DO get to be involved in your lives more on a daily basis, so keep's good therapy for me too!
Are those good looking boys or what?? Wow, I passed down some good genes! TEEHEE
I like your idea of the forwarned thing...let me know how that works for ya!
I think I used to warn you guys that if you did not act appropriately that we would just leave, even if the"event" was not finished. Did we ever just get up and go? MOM

Anonymous said...

I don't ever remember just up and leaving...I have this vision of us being perfect little kids, except for Kiley's occasional temper tantrum. Although, I do remember you breaking a hairbrush on my rear end one time. What on earth did I do to deserve that? Was it the time I cut my own bangs? Well, guess what? I still whack at my bangs--NaaNaaNaaBooBoo!

The Moore's said...

So glad to not be the only mom experiencing the total struggle between discipline, acceptable behavior, and kids being kids...or the total gush of pride the one time they do act really well in public. Can't wait to get our kiddos together for a day...maybe not in public just in case!

Anonymous said...

Actually, I broke that brush on you because you said NaaNaaNaaBooBoo to me....the punishment didn't work, did it?