Sunday, June 1, 2008

Dead Heat...Book Pic of the Day

I just finished the book "Dead Heat" by Joel Rosenberg. This is his 5th and final fiction book in a series that explores some "what-ifs" in America. He takes the end-of-days theme and tells a mastermind story of how things "could" go. What is eerie is that his first book was due out right around the time of 9/11. Guess what it was about? Terrorist planes flying through buildings. Wrong city, but the idea was eerily similar. Another of his books tells about the death of Arafat and events that followed. Guess what? His second book touches on that before it happened in reality.
"Dead Heat" tells a story of the removal of God's blessing and protection on America when they stop protecting and defending Israel. If I have any soapbox in the world, this is it! Genesis 12:3 says that "I (God) will bless those who bless you (Israel) and whoever curses you I will curse."
It is my opinion that God has been long suffering with the sin in our country because we have stood next to Israel. If and when we turn our backs on her, He will remove his blessing on our so-called superpower.
My primary concern for the presidential candidates is whether or not they are going to stand by Israel, no matter what the cost is. I obviously have a long list of traits that would make the perfect president. But, in the days that we live in, my number one qualification is whether or not he/she will bless Israel. I think this one thing will be either our saving grace or the destruction of our country as we know it. Thanks for letting me get on my soapbox for a second.


Anonymous said...

I agree with what you are saying. I think that it is impossible for a republican to win the election at this point with how most people feel about Bush. The second thing on my list would be the military. I would really like someone to get in there that will bring our troops home so that they can protect us rather than trying to save the rest of the world. Some things will never change no matter how many soliders give their lives for the cause. Thanks for your blog. I do enjoy reading it very much.

Little Oak Table said...

yeah, that is scary. and interesting. it will be interesting to see what unfolds.

today's sermon was so good regarding sin. it made me think of what me and you have been talking about-about believer's seeming dead in their faith. today's sermon reminded me that we are alive and that life has power. very exciting!

i noticed you and joel are now friends :). that's great! you are such a reader! you put me to shame :).

Jenny said...

very interesting... with what you know about the candidates who do you feel meets the qualifications the best??

Becke' said...

I wish there was a candidate that I KNEW would support Israel (no matter what) in the years to come. I think McCain might come the closest...but no guarantees! Scary, huh?