This was Cade and Eli's project the last couple of days! I think they did a pretty good job...the puzzle has 300 pieces and is for ages 10 and up! Cade told me they were able to do it because his age (8) plus Eli's (5) equals 13....so they were more than old enough! Teamwork!
Makes perfect sense to me! Cade and Eli, you did a great job on that puzzle. You guys make a great team. That will be true your entire life.
Love, Bebe
Wow! Great Job boys! That's a big puzzle! and Cade youre so brilliant, your adding skills are way above average, keep up the good work bud!
Becke' love ya and miss ya! Have a good day!
Hahaha! Cade is hilarious. That's great that they did that. My kids would kill one another trying to accompish such a task, and Tia would probably eat four or five of the pieces.
So funny about the ages for the puzzle....kids are so great aren't they, with their reasoning! Kelli, so true that Tia would eat a few pieces of puzzle.....that child will eat anything, huh (umbilical cord):) Becke, you give me such good ideas/reminders of things to keep the kids busy...time to get one of our puzzles out!
That looks like fun. If the girls struggle for over a few minutes, I always step in and help them. But I love the idea of leaving it out and letting them work a little at a time until they get tired. Why didn't I think of that? :)
Kids can just be too darn smart sometimes can't they and you have to love their responses too.
SNAP is short for Special Needs Access Program, it is through Special School District. I work with kiddos who go to Private Schools and have learning disabilities but don't receive the services they need during the day so they come to me twice a week at night.
Thanks for continuing to read my blog, today was lets say interesting at my house!
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