Saturday, September 6, 2008

Emotional Roller Coaster

The above are some of my baby's "last" moments in his crib.

Cade's new big-boy "sports" room...

Wow, Friday was a test! A few weeks ago, Eric and I decided it was time to move Sam out of his crib...he will be 3 in 9 days!! We tossed around the idea of getting him a twin sized bed...but later opted to move him to the bunk beds with Eli and put Cade in Sam's old room. This way, we could get a queen sized bed for when we have company. (Any out of town family or friends that want to come see us now...just come on!!)

This process started out joyfully...I got to go buy furniture! And then as the big "switch-a-roo" day got closer, I started getting sad. I mean real sad. Other than a few months, we haven't had our crib down the whole time we have had kids. And I really like cribs. They confine, confine, and confine.

We threw all of Sam's baby toys into big garbage sacks that I will not be giving away on freecycle. That thought is way too depressing. I washed his baby bedding and sealed it up in a space saver bag. The dresser we borrowed from my parent's that was Amelia's baby dresser was totally emptied. The adorable truck quilt was taken down from the quilt shelf. Babyhood, completely gone in the frame of one afternoon.

I absolutely love the baby phase. I love to smell babies, feed babies, soothe babies, sing to babies, bathe babies, and cuddle babies. The baby phase never lasts long enough in my opinion. I love it when they first smile, first coo, and first laugh. I adore the 7-9 month ages where their personalities start to really shine and they steal your hearts before they start walking and wearing on your patience.

So, where do we go from here? Our house won't hold another child, and yet we think we are insane enough to want another one! We are praying for lots of guidance!!


Jenny said...

Ahhh... I feel your sadness and I DO have a baby:) but how sad it is that Parker is not in a crib anymore.... and Andrew is in school.

Anonymous said...

Don't you think TWIN GIRLS would round out your family nicely!!!!

Kelli said...

Okay, the comment about twin girls for you guys even made me a little nauseous, but I do think a cute little girl would round you guys out nicely...or another sweaty, dirty boy since you guys obviously make cute little men!

the Fosters said...

That is wonderful that you enjoy the baby phase. As for me, I like it when they are a little more independent. I think a family with four little ones is so cute. You may need just one more :)

Kim said...

Oh, what a sad yet exciting time. It's filled with memories of what you're leaving behind, and filled with anticipation of where you are and what's ahead. It sure is an emotional roller coaster. I love that sleeping pic of Sam. What a cutie!