Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Hog game #1

"Come on, Hogs, I know you can beat this team that I have never in my life heard of. You can do it. You can do it. You can do it." These were the thoughts that were roaming through my head last Saturday. I did my best to not get emotionally involved. After all, the team is VERY young...tons of true freshman were on the field. They also have a brand new coach...and I am sure that things will start to fall into place next week....and if not then, then by the Alabama game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We went to the game with Todd and Michelle and had a blast! We first stopped off at Guido's and had some yummo pizza. After finding a cool new parking place, we sat on our "grassy nole" and watched the college girls go by. (How do you spell "nole?) Michelle and I picked out outfits that we dared each other to wear and Todd and Eric played "fake or real." Good times.

The game itself was a little nerve wracking. I won't go there. But, the company surrounding us was quite a riot! There was a "couple" in front of us that got a little carried away with the PDA and there was a girl behind Michelle and I that enjoyed placing her shoeless foot on our seats and then complaining that we were sitting on her foot. She didn't seem to understand that there is a place for feet and a place for hinies. Michelle despises other people's feet, so it was fun to watch her cringe and squirm, knowing there was some one's peds touching her bootie. Oh, how God stretches us sometimes!!

Just glad to be able to say we pulled off a "W". Go Hogs.


Three Against One said...

I have a friend that is the same way about feet and would have been the same way as Michelle, I enjoy reading your blog!

Anonymous said...

Remember? KiKi had a thing about feet too!
So, Eric...if Amelia has walked by,and you did not know her, would you have guessed real or fake?

Kirby said...

Knoll Becke, knoll. And to think I'm the one that has absolute no vocabulary and your the "teacher." Haha

Anonymous said...

For the record, Becke' was right in there playing the game with ALL of us!

I would have guessed real....not many things embarrass me, but this post has!


Kelli said...

Hahah! Well, I think I enjoyed the exchange in the comments section more than the post itself. Eric got called out for looking at girls' chests!! Awesome...