Friday, September 12, 2008

This is really not my 3rd post in one day, it is just your imagination!

OK, I totally stole this idea from some girl off of Kelli's bloglist...but it looks like fun! Since it is Friday night, I think I need some fun!

7 Things I want to do before I die:
1. Go to Israel (and come back!)
2. Know the Word and Jesus as much as possible while on earth
3. Get really good at photography and maybe do it for ministry and/or profit
4. Go on a mission trip
5. Swim with dolphins
6. Be a good friend, wife, mom, daughter, sister...
7. See my boys grow into Godly men, marry Godly women, and have their own kids!

7 Things I can do:
1. Listen
2. Cook, and eat it all up
3. Apply eye makeup (random?)
4. pray
5. wait
6. worship
7. love on my boys

7 Things I cannot do:
1. touch a snake (but I CAN purposefully run one over)
2. watch very scary movies
3. Tell good stories or jokes
4. Stand in front of strangers and talk (without shaking or vomiting)
5. deny Jesus or His Word
6. stay on top of ironing
7. wake up before 6:30 on a regular basis

7 People to TAG!
1. Amelia
2. Anna
3. Kelli
4. Kim
5. Brittney
6. Jana
7. Carol

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